Chapter 49

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The next day
Noah's pov
Right now me and all of A troupe are warming up for today. We are supposed to be finding out who's doing what at internationals. Then we will start to choreograph a group dance. Then Kate and Phoebe walk in.
"We have some exciting news!" Kate says.
"What is it?" Giselle asks.
"Well we have been invited to a duet competition!" Phoebe says.
"Awesome!" James says.
"Me and Phoebe have thought that James and Riley should do the duet." Kate says.
"I'm not trying to offend you James but I feel like we do all the duets." Riley says.
"I agree. I say we give someone else a chance to do the duet competition." James says.
"Oh ok." Kate says.
"Who do you think should do the duet then James and Riley?" Phoebe asks.
"Nochelle!" They say at the same time.
"Really?" Richelle says.
"Yeah! You guys have loads of chemistry." Riley says.
"Noah and Richelle it is then!" Kate says.
"You guys will practise tomorrow." Phoebe says.
"Thanks." I say.
"Speaking of competitions, who want to do what for nationals?" Kate asks.
"Raise tour hand if you want to do a male solo." Phoebe asks.
Me, Eldon, James and Max raise our hands.
"That's Noah, Eldon, James and Max." Kate says to Phoebe who is writing down their names.
"Female solos?" Phoebe asks.
Richelle, Giselle, Michelle and Riley raise their hands.
"That's Richelle, Giselle, Michelle and Riley for the female solos." Kate says to Phoebe.
"Small groups?" Phoebe asks.
"Me Giselle, Thalia and Cierra." Michelle says.
"Me Max, West, James and Noah." Eldon says.
"That's Michelle, Giselle, Thalia and Cierra in group one. Eldon, Max, West, James and Noah in group two." Kate says to Phoebe.
"Finally duets?" Phoebe asks.
"Me and Eldon." Thalia says.
"Me and Richelle." I say.
"Me and Riley." James says.
"That's Thalia and Eldon, Noah and Richelle and James and Riley." Kate says to Phoebe.
"You have a day to prepare your routines." Phoebe says and walks out.
Richelle walks over to me.
"You put your name in for every dance, will you remember them all?" Richelle asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Ok. Do you want to choreograph our internationals duet?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Cool." She says.
"Why don't we put in some really high lifts?" I ask.
"Um yeah." She says nervously.
"Do you actually want to?" I ask.
"Well last time we tried a lift, I broke my ankle." She says.
"This time I won't drop you I swear." I say.
"Ok but can we practice one first?" She asks.
"Sure, which one?" I ask.
"The helicopter lift?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say and do the lift.
"See, that wasn't that bad was it?" I say.
"Ok can we try a higher lift?" She asks.
"Yep." I say and lift her high up in the air.
Then i bring her back down.
"You have perfect position when I lift you." I say.
"Thank you." She says and blushes.
"Why don't we put in some acro tricks?" I ask.
"Yeah!" She says.
Soon enough we choreograph our duet and it looks really good. It has great energy and some really cool tricks so I defiantly think we could get the duet.
"So now that we've finished our duet, we should probably rehearse our solos." She says.
"Yeah, how about we have half of studio A each?" I ask.
"Sounds good to me." She says.
Richelle starts doing loads of acro tricks. She is amazing, I could watch her all day. Not like a pedophile though because that would just be weird.
"You're really good at acro." I say.
"Thanks." She says and does some front aerials.
I start to choreograph my routine. It's basically contemporary but has a little bit of acro in it to show that I can do tricks and flips.
"I'm just going to go to the bathroom." Richelle says and leaves.
Then West comes in.
"How's the duet with Richelle?" He asks.
"We finished it so we're choreographing our solos." I say.
"Did you kiss her?" He asks.
"What?" I ask, a little confused.
"Did you kiss her?" He repeats.
"No." I say.
"Why not?" He asks.
"Because I didn't need to." I say.
"Oh Noah. James and Riley kissed for their nationals duet and?" He asks.
"And they won." I say.
"Exactly!" West says.
"West that was for nationals. This is internationals and their duet was good, that's how they won. Not because of a kiss." I say snd continue to practise my solo.
"Fine." West says.
"We all just want to see a Nochelle kiss." West says and leaves.
Then Richelle walks back in.
"Hey No!" She says.
"Hey Richy." I say.
"I saw West leave, what did he say to you?" She asks.
"He said that we should kiss for our duet." I admit.
"Well how about if we get the duet, we kiss on the internationals stage?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Cool! Have you finished your solo? We've been in here for three hours." She says.
"Yeah, do you want to see it?" I ask.
"Yes!" She says excitedly and sits down to watch me.
I start dancing and I can see that she's smiling at me. When I finish she said that it was awesome.
"Can I see yours?" I ask.
"Yes." She says and takes the floor.
She starts dancing and her solo is amazing. The song she chose was Let The Music Take Control and it looks really good.
"That was amazing Richy!" I say when she finishes.
"Thank you." She says and hugs me.
"Those acro tricks you put in are insane." I say.
She pulls me closer to her and kisses me.
"I love you Noah." She says.
"I love you Richelle." I say and we walk out holding hands.

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