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"I know you are sick baby, but can mummy get dressed for work?" I ask Atticus who was clinging onto me as we lay in my bed together. This is day two of him being sick. Yesterday was fine seeing as Niall and myself were home but today I have work and Niall has meetings. "Niall!" I call out trying not to be too loud seeing as Atticus also has a headache. "Yeah love?" Niall asked softly as he walked into the bedroom. "Can you lay with him?" I ask and he nodded before taking my spot on the bed and Atty instantly clung onto him.

I smile and quickly grab my work clothes and go to my bathroom where I had a quick shower seeing as I only had half an hour, and I still had to find someone to watch Atticus seeing as there is no way I'm sending him to day care and they wouldn't take him anyways. After about five minuets, I had finished my shower and got dressed before walking back into the bedroom where Niall was quietly singing to Atticus who was calmly looking up at his daddy.

I quietly walk over to the bedside table and grabbed my phone before walking out of the bathroom without disturbing the two. I walk downstairs while calling the one person I know who will look after Atticus. "Hey Char, what's up?" Hunter asked as he answered the phone, no sign of tiredness in his voice. "Hey Hunt, can you do me a favour?" I plead as I walk into the kitchen and make myself a sandwich.

"Yeah sure, what is it?" He asked "can you come here and watch Atticus for the day?" I ask "sure, is he still sick?" Hunter asked "yeah" I say taking a bite out of my sandwich "I'll be there in a few" he said before hanging up. I put my phone down on the counter after locking it and finish my sandwich in peace. A few minuets later the front door opened and a moment later the person walked into the kitchen. "Thank you so much Hunter" I say jumping off my seat to give him a hug.

"It's all good love. Go to work, he'll be fine with me" I nod and kiss him on the cheek before jogging upstairs and into my bedroom to see Niall was carefully getting out of the bed, leaving the sleeping child in the middle of the bed. Niall quietly walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek "I gotta go, I'll see you later" I nod and watch as he rushed to his bedroom to grab his things then he was out and rushing downstairs.

I walk into the bedroom as quiet as I could and over to my baby, I lean down over him and place a delicate kiss on his hot forehead before retreating out of the room and downstairs. "Atty's in my bedroom asleep" I inform Hunter who was sitting on the couch. "Ok, have fun at work love" Hunter said "ok I'll try. Bye" I say before rushing out of the house and climbed into my car and quickly drove to work whilst trying to do the speed limit.

* Hunter's POV *

"How about some juice?" I ask Atticus who was perched on my hip, just wearing a diaper. The boy didn't say anything besides nod his head. I smile and grab the apple juice out from the fridge and placed it on the counter kicking the door shut with my food. I bounce Atticus up a little so he was higher on my hip and grabbed a clean bottle out from the cupboard and filled it up with some apple juice before screwing the lid on. "How about some cookies as well?" I suggest but Atticus quickly declined.

"Okay, let's go lay down on the couch" I say as I pick up the bottle of apple juice off the counter and began carrying the sick boy to the living room. "Otay" the little boy replied softly making me smile. I reach the couch and sit down on it with my feet reclined on the coffee table. Atticus crawled away from me and went to the other side of the couch where he grabbed his Nemo toy before crawling back over and laid down with his head in my lap. I smile and put the bottle in his spare hand which he instantly started drinking from while cuddling with the Nemo toy.

"do you want to watch Nemo?" I ask as I grab the TV remote. The young boy nodded and turned his head to the TV. I smile and run my fingers through his hair as I turn the TV on and Nemo came on straight away meaning he was probably watching this last night. I press play and put the TV remote down and began watching the movie that I have seen quite a few times in my lifetime. After about ten mimuets the young boy suddenly cried out and wiggling away from me. "What's wrong buddy?" I ask as I worriedly watch the two year old.

"Mummy" the boy cried out as he looked around "mummy isn't here buddy" I say as I reach over and lift the boy up and place him in my lap. "I want mummy" he cried as he sucked on his fingers, putting slobber everywhere. "Want to go see mummy?" I ask and he nodded "ok let's go get you dressed" I say before standing up, adjusting Atticus so he wouldn't fall then carried him over to the stairs, I unlock the gate then walked upstairs, unlocked that gate then walked into Atticus' room.

"Do you need a diaper change buddy?" I ask as I placed him on the changing table, he nodded and continued to cry. I gently push him back into a laying possitions before grabbing a new diaper and took off his dirty diaper and replaced it with the new one before going over to his dresser and grabbed out some sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt before dressing the crying boy. I didn't bother putting shoes on the boy seeing as he isn't going to be walking. 'Mummy?" The boy cried as he looked up at me "yeah we are going to see mummy" I say lifting him off the table and carried him downstairs.

I collected my things before walking out of the flat, locking the door behind me before walking over to my car, I unlock it before opening the back door and placed the boy in my little sisters car seat. After buckling him in I shut the door and climbed into the drivers seat, putting my seatbelt on before starting the car and I drove to Charlie's work. On the drive, Atticus settled down and stopped crying which I was thankful for. I soon pull up at the cafe and turned the car off before jumping out.

I shut my door before opening the back door, I unbuckle Atticus before lifting him out of the seat and placed him on my hip before shutting the door then I locked the car before heading over to the front door of the cafe. When I reach the door, I pull it open allowing an older couple to exit "why thank you son" the lady said giving me a smile "you are welcome. Have a nice day" I say giving them both a smile before walking into the cafe.

I noticed Charlie straight away, she was standing at the counter taking an order. "Ssh buddy we'll surprise mummy" I say to Atty who went to go yell to Charlie. He nodded and sucked on his thumb as we advanced in the que. We soon reached the front and Charlie spoke without looking up "Hi, welcome to Betty's cafe. What can I get you for today?" She asked "Hi can I get a coffee with two sugars and cream and a apple juice as well thank you" that's when she looked up and grinned seeing her baby in my arms.

"Take a break Charlie dear, go see your son" an old lady ordered Charlie. "I'll just get the drinks the I'll come over" Charlie said, I nod and pay for the drinks before walking over to a spare table. I place Atticus down on the chair across from me because Charlie would probably want to sit with her son. "Mumma comin'?" Atty asked looking at me, I nod "yeah mummy's coming" I say and that made a grin come to his face. A few moments later Charlie walked over with three drinks, two coffee take away cups and a character sippy cup which I assume had Atticus' apple juice.

"Mumma" Atty said happily as Charlie placed the drink down on the table "hey baby" Charlie said before lifting the boy out of his seat and hugged him "hi mumma" I hear Atty say making me smile "how has he been?" Charlie asked once she took a seat. "He started crying suddenly, calling out for you so I brought him here to see you" I say, the conversation went on from then while I drank my coffee. After about half an hour Charlie had to get back to work so I carried Atticus out of the building and over to the car.

"We see mumma again?" Atty asked "mummy has to work baby, he'll he back later" I say as I place him in the car seat and buckled him in "fine" he huffed crossing his arms over his chest. I smile and shut the door before climbing into the drivers seat and placed the character sippy cup down in the cup holder before driving out of the car park and drove back to Charlie's.

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