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"Baby somebody is knocking on the door" I groan and open my eyes as Macey speaks to me. It's now Saturday and Macey had stayed over last for the third time this week. I get up out of bed and slip my boxers on before walking over to the door and unlock it. I open it a little bit to see Niall was standing there with Toby in his arms sucking on a pacifier. "Yeah?" I question before letting out a yawn. "Charlie's at work and I've got to go do some things. Can you watch the kids?" Niall questions with a desperate look on his face.

"Yeah okay" I say and he thanks me before passing me the baby who babbled which made me smile down at her. "Atticus is upstairs on the couch with a bottle so just check on him soon alright" I nod my head and bid him goodbye before walking back into my bedroom to see that Macey was already dressed and sitting on my bed staring at me. "So you have to watch the brats?" She questions as she glares at my niece. "I do, so can you please go home?" I question, Macey lets out a scoff and gets off my bed, grabs her stuff before storming past me.

"You're not a brat, you're my little angel" I whisper down at Macey as she stares up at me, I lean down and place a small kiss on her forehead before walking over to my bed and place her down in the middle of the bed with the duvet and pillows around her before walking over to my wardrobe and grab an outfit before walking into my joint bathroom, I keep the door open and quickly have a shower before getting dressed. I walk out of the bathroom to see that Toby was still in the same position I left her.

I grab my phone from the beside table and lay down beside my niece and take a snapchat before putting it up on my story. "Let's go get you dressed" I say softly to the baby before getting off the bed, once I was standing I lift Toby off the bed and carry her down the hallway to her nursery where I lay her down on the changing table. I unbutton her bodysuit and take her diaper off and replace it with a new one before getting her dressed in something warm since I was planning on heading out today.

She was soon all ready so I lift her back up and carry her downstairs to the living room where Atticus was lying on the couch in his boxers drinking from a bottle watching some kids show. "Morning buddy" I call out to him as I walk into the kitchen, a moment later I hear a little reply from him as I open the fridge in search of something to eat. I didn't end up finding anything that I felt like eating so I walk back into the living room and take a seat on the recliner with little Toby in my arms.

Just as I sat down my phone dinged in my pocket so I adjust Toby so she was laying in my other side before pulling my phone out, on my screen was a few messages from the guys talking in our little group chat we have going. In the group chat was me, James, Ryan, Liam and Jack. The messages were just Ryan asking what everybody was doing today and if we wanted to hang out. I reply back saying I had the kids to watch before locking my phone and putting it down on my thigh.


An hour later I had the kids and I dressed in clothes suitable to go out in before walking out the door. I buckle the two kids into my car before getting in myself and headed towards the fair where the lads and I skipped school the other day. After I told the guys that I had the kids they thought coming to the fair would be good for all of us. I had packed the pram in the car before hand so I didn't have to worry about that. I had only packed Toby's one though so if Atticus was tired he'd have to be carried.

I finally reach the fair and find the closest possible car park before getting out of the car but kept it running so the kids could stay in the warmth while I waited for my friends to arrive. I walk around to the back of the car and open the boot before pulling out the stroller and began setting it up. "Dude!" I look up to see my four friends walking towards me. I give them a greeting nod before finishing up the stroller as they joined me.

"The kids in the car?" Liam questions and I nod my head "can two of you get them out?" I ask, Liam and James nod and walk to each side of the car to get a kid out each. Once the stroller was set up I reach into the back of the cd and pull out the diaper bag which was full of things that Toby and Atticus might need and put it in the under catchment. "Wasn't Macey at yours last night?" Ryan questions, i nod my head and take Toby from Liam and lay her down in the stroller before putting her baby blanket over her small body.

"I told her to leave when I found out I needed to watch these two" I say and he nodded. I look over to James who had Atticus in his arms, he kept trying to put him down on the ground but Atticus would whine straight away and cling onto him. I let out a sigh knowing he was going to be in a grumpy mood for a while. "Can I push it?" Jack questions as he looks down at Toby making faces at her. I chuckle and nod my head before walking over to James. "Lukey" Atty whines as he reaches out to me straight away.

I roll my eyes and take my nephew into my arms before walking to the drivers door and pull it open. I turn the ignition off before shutting and locking the door. I pocket my keys and walk back over to the group. "Ready to head in?" I question, they all nod so we begin the short walk over to the front gate and pay to get in. After receiving our wrist bands the worker handed me an extra one for Atticus which you put your details on it in case the child gets lost. I thank her and grab a pen. "Can one of you write on this?" Ryan nods and takes the two items from me.

After putting Atticus' name down and my details on the tag I help Ryan put the bracelet on Atty's wrist before we head inside. After two minuets of walking Atticus suddenly let out an excited squeal right into my ear. "Hey none of that" I scold him making him frown at me. "I want one please?" He questions "what do you want?" I question and watch as he points to the left of us where there was a game stall where you can win a stuffed animal. "Do you want me to win you one?" Atticus nods his head with a massive grin on his face.

"Lads!" I call out to the guys who were walking ahead of us. "Atticus wants a toy" I say as I point over at the stall, they nod and head over to it with me. Once we reached it I place Atticus down on the ground and he immediately wrapped an arm around my leg and watched my every move. The worker explained the objective of the game and passed me 3 balls which I had to throw to knock bottles over. "Go Lukey" I hear Atticus say making me look down at him with a smile. Out of three balls I managed to knock 2 bottles over which meant I won but not the major prize.

"Winner, winner. What would you like?" The worker questioned as he showed me what I could pick from. I lift Atticus up into my arms and show him what he could pick from. "Which one do you want?" I question "can I get the monkey?" He questions softly and I nod my head and tell the worker which one he wanted "thank you" I say as I take the stuffed monkey from him which I then hand to Atticus which he gladly took and hugged it as tight as he could. "Thank you" I smile and kiss his head as I mumble a "you're welcome"

Niall's secret childWhere stories live. Discover now