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Charlie's POV

Waking 5 teenage boys up for school was extremely hard, two of them got up really easy but the other three required an air horn going off for them to even move a muscle. "Why do we have to get up?" Luke whined as he sat in his bed with his hair everywhere. "Because you all have school so get your asses up and get ready" I say before walking out of the bedroom and down the hall to Atty's room where he sat on the ground playing with his toys. I had already gotten him ready for day care so all I had to do was take him downstairs and feed him.

"Come on baby" Atty drops his toy on the ground before getting up and walking over to me. Since I still don't trust him on the stairs I lift him up and carry him downstairs to the kitchen where Niall was sitting on the counter feeding Toby who has been up since 4am. "She eating good?" I question as I place Atty in his high chair. "Yeah she's scoffing it down" I smile at the two of them before walking over to the fridge and grab out a yogurt and some cut up fruit for Atticus.

A few minuets later I hear the stampede of teenage boys running down the stairs and a moment later they join us in the kitchen. "Morning" they all chorus except for Luke who walked straight over to the fridge in search for some food. "There's no food" he whined a moment later making me roll my eyes. "I already know that. I need to go shopping today" I say making him sigh "we'll just get something on the way" one of the boys told him and he nodded.

Twenty minuets later all the kids were piled into the cars and they drove off down the driveway, I let out a sigh and walk back into the house, it's hard letting my two babies go to school, Niall keeps telling me I can stay home and look after them but if I did that I'd feel bad with Niall having to pay for everything.

* Luke's POV *

"We're ditching" Ryan informed me as soon as I climbed back into the car from dropping the kids off at daycare. "Since when?" I question as I look at him then to the car beside us that had the rest of the guys in it. They were all staring at me waiting to see if I agreed or not. I sigh and let my window down and they did the same. "Where are we heading?" They all let out a cheer and we began discussing our destination to spend the day at.

In the end we decided to hit the fair that was in town for a few weeks, according to James there was going to be an out of town private girls school visiting it today so we were in for some fun. After about a twenty minute drive I parked th car in the fair parking lot beside the other boys before getting out. We were all still wearing our school uniforms so we took our Blazers off and dumped them in the car before heading to the entrance.

"I wonder if they're here yet" Blake exclaims as we walk through the gate after paying. "I saw a school bus out front so I think they're here" James says as he pulls his phone out to probably check with his 'friend' that goes to this school to see if they're here. The fair was pretty massive there were rides, games and food stalls. "Food time" I tell the boys before making my way over to one of the many food stalls making the lads chuckle and follow after me.

While we were lining up for our food I spot a group of girls staring at us and giggling. "Dudes 12 O'clock" the guys quickly look over to them and once they realised we were looking at them they started squealing. "My ears" I whine to the guys which made them laugh. "They're hot though dude" Ryan said, I nod and agree with him, they were definitely hot and I wouldn't mind spending some time with one or two of them.


We've now been at the fair for about 5 hours and we've spent the whole time with the group of girls that we saw while getting food. In the end there were 6 of the girls so there was one girl for each of us lads. I was paired with the sluttiest the girl of the group named Macey and she would not stop touching me. Whenever we were walking she would want to be holding my hand or leaning on me. Not that I really minded because damn I wouldn't mind shagging her. "Babyyy" Macey whines as we were standing in our big group waiting to go on one of the rides.

"Yeah?" I question as I look down at her "I don't want to ride this one, can we go on another one?" She questions pouting her lips up at me. "Sure babe" I say before tapping on Ryan's shoulder and gave him a signal that I was disappearing for a little while. He nodded and gave me a smirk and winked, I chuckle and walk away with Macey as she drags me away. While we were walking Macey was in front of me, so I took the time to stare down at her ass. Her skirt was pulled up so it was really short and her socks were pulled half way up her thighs...damn it looked good.

The ride Macey decided to go on was the Ferris wheel which made me roll my eyes behind her back, I of course paid for our ride fair before we got onto one of the carts and it slowly took us up to the top. The entire time Macey was giggling and constantly talking while I pretended to listen, when we got to the top Macey turned into a leech and connected our lips together. I wrap an arm around her and began kissing her back.

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