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I look towards the door as it was opened and Niall walked inside, with Atticus in his arms. I get off the couch and walk over to them "hey" I greet Niall as I take the little boy from his arms and hold him against my chest. "Hi mumma" Atty whispered as he cuddled into me. I smile and kiss the side of his head before turning to Niall "how was today?" I ask "it was good, we did heaps of recording. Atticus behaved good" Niall said as he took off his coat, I nod and walk into the kitchen with Niall behind me.

"Hungry?" I ask Niall as I place Atticus down on the counter "yeah, we can just order food or something" Niall suggested as he took a seat at the counter. "I suppose so, what are you thinking of?" I ask as I walk over to the fridge where I grabbed out the milk, I place it down on the counter and grab out one of Atticus' bottles from the cupboard before I proceeded to fill it with the milk. Once it was full I screw the lid on before passing it to Atticus who began to drink from it straight away. I smile and put the milk back in the fridge before turning to Niall to see he was looking through his phone

"how about Chinese?" He suggested and I nodded before taking a seat at the counter in front of Atticus who climbed off the counter and onto my lap, I smile and run my hand through his blonde locks. "It'll be here in about half hour" Niall said as he got off the phone I nod and watch as he got off his chair and walked over to the door "I'm going for a shower" I nod as he walked out of the kitchen to go upstairs.


I walk into the daycare and greet Morgan who sat at the front counter "oh hi Charlie, Atticus is in the painting room" I smile and thank her before walking down the hallway which lead to the different rooms in the daycare. I find the painting room and push the door open cautiously in case there was a child behind it. Once it was open I walked inside to see about five little kids sitting at a table finger painting. "Look who it is Atticus" Margret the worker said as she notice me standing there. "Mumma" I smile and kneel down as Atty ran over.

"no touching" I say taking hold of his wrists as he went to touch me. "How about we get your hands clean?" I suggest, Atticus giggled and nodded before leading me over to the sink which was at the perfect height for the little children. I help Atticus wash his hands and dry them before I lifted him off the ground and placed him on my hip. "Hi mumma" Atty giggled as he put his hands around my neck "hey baby" I say smiling at him before kissing his cheek.

After saying goodbye to some of the staff and signing Atticus out I carried him out of the building and over to my parked car. I fish the car keys out of my pocket and unlock the car with the button on the keys before opening the back door. "In you go" I say leaning down a little so Atticus could get into the car himself. He climbed into his car seat and moved his arms so I could do the harness seat belt up. I smile and do the belts up before kissing his head. "Do you want your pacifier?" I ask, Atty nodded so I pulled it out of his back pack which I had placed on the floor of the car before passing it to the boy who put it in his mouth and started to suckle away,

I smile at him before moving out of the way of the door and shut it before climbing into the drivers seat. I buckle myself in before turning the car on before proceeding to drive us home. The drive home took only about ten minuets and when I pulled into the driveway I found Niall's car already parked there. I park beside it and turn the car off before unbuckling myself and climbing out.

I open the back door to see Atticus sitting there nearly asleep. I smile and carefully unbuckle him before lifting him out of the seat. I hold him with one hand before grabbing his back pack from the floor of the car. After shutting the door I carried the boy up to the front door, before I could even move my arm forward to open the door it was pulled open from the inside by Niall. "Hey" I smile at Niall and greet him back, letting him take the boy from my arms before stepping inside.

"Are we still going out for dinner tonight?" Niall questioned "yeah Jason said to be there by 6:30" I say "well it is 5 now" Niall said making me groan "can you put Atty down for a nap?" Niall nodded as he turned and headed upstairs. I follow after but head into my bedroom where I drop down onto my bed and close my eyes. I stayed in bed for twenty minuets before I finally got out and gathered an outfit before walking into my bathroom. After shutting the door I placed my clean clothes down before stripping from my work clothes then proceeded to step into the shower after turning it on.

I soon climb back out of the shower and dried myself before getting ready for dinner. Once I was ready I headed into Atty's bedroom to see he was still sound asleep in the crib. He's been sleeping for about an hour now so after grabbing out an outfit I lifted my baby out of the crib and laid him down on the changing table. "wake up baby" I say softly as I rub his bare stomach, he groaned and turned his head to the other side. "Atticus" I say softly shaking him "No" Atty mumbled as he covered his face with his little hands, I chuckle and pull my phone out from my back pocket and take a photo of the cutie before putting my phone back.

"I'm sorry mummy has to wake you up baby" I say softly as I undo the tabs of the diaper he was wearing before lifting his naked body off the table and carried him to my bedroom and into the bathroom "I don't wanna, mumma" Atticus whined as he noticed the bathtub which I had filled with water, well not technically full but enough for Atticus. "Sorry baby but I need to get you ready" I say before placing his naked body into the water "no" Atticus whined before tears began to fall from his eyes. I sigh and grab some rubber ducks from under the sink and placed them in the water but the boy didn't seem to care and carried on crying.

I ignore his crying and began washing his small body, ten minuets later I had the water draining from the tub and Atticus in my arms wrapped in a towel still crying. I carry him out of the bathroom and bedroom before walking over to his bedroom where I laid him back down on the change table and finished drying him. Once he was dry I got him before lifting his crying figure up off the changing table and carried him over to the crib where I grabbed the Nemo toy before proceeding to carry the boy downstairs.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked as I carried our crying son into the kitchen where Niall was sitting at the counter. "I woke him up" I say with a sigh as I pass Atticus to his father before walking over to the fridge, I look in it before grabbing out the chocolate milk. I place it down on the counter before grabbing out a bottle which I filled up with the chocolate flavoured milk. I walk over to Niall and pass the boy the bottle, he immediately began to drink it, silencing his cries. "Want to head out now?" Niall questioned, I pull my phone out and check the time before nodding my head "yeah, I suppose we could leave now"

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