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"Niall can you give Atty a bath?" I ask Niall who was in the living room playing with Atticus. "Sure" he responded before standing up "bath time Atty" Niall told the boy who whined but let his daddy pick him up and carry him to the bathroom down the hall. I smile and turn back to the stove where I was cooking a chicken stir fry for dinner. Niall has been here the whole day and the only time I haven't heard Atticus laughing or squealing was when I put him down for a nap which he wasn't happy about.

"Dinners ready" I call out about fifteen minuets later "be there in a minuet" Niall called from the bathroom, I nod to myself and dish up two bowls for Niall and myself and then I put a little bit in a small bowl for Atty. I set the bowls down on the table and wait for the two boys to come. Soon enough Niall walked in with Atty who was wearing his jammies on. I smile and kiss his head before Niall placed him in his high hair where his bowl of food was sitting. "Enjoy" I say as I sit down and start to eat my own food.


"Niall don't feed him that" I scold from the living room where I was watching Criminal Minds "why not Charlie? It's only gummy bears" Niall whined from the kitchen "it's not even 9 in the morning Niall" I say with a chuckle as he pouted over at me from the kitchen "Atty tell daddy the rules that he should know by now" I tell the two year old who was perched up on the counter "no lollies before 12" Atticus recited with a giggle, I smile and stick my tongue out at Niall.

"Hey Atty why don't you go play in your room while I talk to mummy?" Niall suggested and I could see Atty nodding, I frown as I try to figure out what Niall wanted to talk about. I hear the small footsteps disappear and Niall came and sat by me on the couch "so...?" I ask looking at him with an eyebrow raised "I wanted to talk to you about, telling the world" Niall said looking down at his socks. "What about Atty?" I ask and he nodded "I don't think that's a good idea Niall, he's only 2" I reason, not liking that Niall wants to tell the world about our son, all I can imagine is the press bombarding us and wanting to know everything singe detail about myself and Atticus and then there's the fans. The hate and the rumours that Atty isn't Niall's kid and I'm just trying to get with him.

"I think it's the best thing to do. I'll get to see him more and I think it'll be better for him" Niall reasoned back "Niall I don't want my son exposed to the famous world" I say "I don't want your fans to start rumours and hate on our son because they are jealous, I don't want him hurt" I say as I shake my head at him. Niall sighed and ran a hand through his hair "I can have bodyguards with you at all times" Niall said "and how much more attention do you think that'll attract" I say with a sneer. "Just think about it yeah? And maybe you can come live with me"

"Mummy!" I hear Atticus scream from our bedroom, I jump up and run down the hall to the bedroom with Niall on hot pursuit. I finally make it to the bedroom where Atty was laying on the ground crying his eyes out as he held his head. "Atty what happened baby?" I ask as I lift him off the ground and into my arms "I fall, hurtie mummy" he cried as he held his head "can mummy have a look?" I ask softly "No" he cried loudly, I sigh and look over at Niall who nodded and came over and stood in front of me so he was behind Atticus.

"Can you let daddy look?" I ask and he yet again said no and cried louder. I sigh and nod towards Niall, to basically say that he could forcefully take the child's hand off his head, when Niall lifted Atticus' hand off his head he screamed and tried to get out of my arms but I held him as Niall looked over the injury. "It's all good, there's just going to be a bump" Niall said as he let Atty put his hand back down, which he did and continued to cry. "Niall I'll deal with him, you can go to the living room" Niall nodded and kissed Atticus' head before walking out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind himself.

I climb onto the bed and lay on my side with Atty also on his side with his head dug into my chest. "Atty look at mummy" he looked up at me and coughed as he continued to cry but not a little softer. "Didn't you tell mummy that you were a big boy?" I ask and he nodded "well big boys don't act like this" I say rubbing his back " just go to sleep baby" I whisper as he choked out another sob. I move my hand that wasn't around him and stroked his cheek which resulted in him fluttering his eyes shut. He was still crying a little bit but it slowly got softer until it was non-existent and he was sound asleep.

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