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"How long?" I question Niall as we sat across from each other in the kitchen. We had just put Atticus to sleep and Niall had informed me that he was going to America. "Two months tops" Niall said as he gave me a guilty look. I sigh and put my head down on the counter. "Two months is a long time Niall" I say as I put my head back up so I could look at him. "I know, I asked if you and Atty could come but they said no" Niall said with a frown on my face. "How are you going to tell Atticus?" I ask which made Niall sigh.

"I could just tell him that I'm going on a holiday" Niall suggested and I sigh again "We could try that but it's going to be hard" I say and Niall nodded his head in agreement. After a little bit of talking I hear a cry from upstairs and I instantly jump out of my seat and run upstairs to Atticus' bedroom with Niall right behind me. I turn the light on for the bedroom and as soon as the room lit up I saw Atticus laying in his crib crying his little eyes out.

"What's wrong baby?" I question the boy as I lean into the crib before lifting his small body out of it and placed him against my chest. I put my hand on his forehead and instantly I became worried. He was burning up really bad. "He's got a fever" I tell Niall who nodded before walking out of the bedroom to get something for Atty. I carry the crying child over to the changing table where I laid Atticus down who began screaming because he wasn't in my arms anymore.

"Mummy is just changing you babe" I inform him as I quickly strip him from his onesie which I had put on him not even three hours ago and check his diaper which was still clean so I kept it on my him before lifting him off the table and carried him over to the crib where I pull out his blue blankie before taking a seat in the rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom.

I adjust Atticus so he was laying side ways on my lap before letting him cuddle into me as he continued to cry. "It's okay baby, mummy's here" I whisper to Atty as I put the blanket around my baby and slowly rock back and forth. "I am back" Niall speaks softy as he walks into the bedroom with a bottle of milk and some children's medicine. "Atty can you open wide for daddy?" I ask the boy who just cried in response.

"Atty baby" Niall coos as he kneels down in front of me, Atty turns his head to Niall and whimpers. "Daddy promises this will make you better so can you open up?" Atticus whimpered again but slightly opened his mouth, I smile softly as Niall put the medicine syringe in Atticus' mouth and squirted the medicine into his mouth, Atticus quickly swallowed the raspberry flavoured liquid which I'm pretty sure tasted nothing like raspberries.

Once all the medicine was gone Niall passed Atticus the bottle who quickly began to drink it. "Do you want anything Char?" Niall asks softy and I shake my head "No thanks Niall, I think I'm just going to take him to my room" Niall nods as I stand up from the rocking chair with Atticus in my arms. "Have a good sleep baby" Niall whispers to Atticus before kissing him on the head "I love you" I hear Niall murmured to the boy before he moved away, I give him a small smile before carrying our son out of the bedroom and across the hall to mine.

I had already changed into my sleepwear after dinner so I didn't have to change now which was good. I turn my bedroom light on but dim it as much as I could so it was still semi-dark in here before carrying Atticus over to my bed. I pull my covers back before placing Atty in the middle of the bed. He let out a whimper so I quickly climbed into the bed beside him and pulled the covers over the both of us before pulling Atticus closer to me. "shh baby"  Atticus settled down and continued drinking his milk as he cuddled into me and his blankie.


"Say bye-bye to daddy babe" I tell Atticus who was clinging onto Niall who was getting ready to board his flight, the other lads were waiting by the gate giving us some privacy. "bye-bye" I hear Atticus say softly "I love you babe" Niall tells him as he kisses our son's head. "Wuv you too" Atticus speaks softly as he puts his little hands on Niall's cheeks and squeezed them. I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket and snap a photo of the adorable moment before putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Daddy's gotta go now Atty" I tell the toddler who huffed and tightly hugged Niall again before he was passed back over to me. I adjust him in my arms so he could watch as Niall said one last goodbye before walking over to the lads who waved at Atticus and myself. We both wave back as they round the corner and walk through the gate, disappearing from sight.

"Let's go home babe" I tell Atticus who huffed as he wrapped an arm around my neck "I wanna go with daddy" Atticus informs me "I know babe, but daddy is going to work" I tell him as I turn and make my way out of the airport. We had ended up telling Atticus why Niall was leaving and it took a bit of convincing for Atticus to let Niall leave but it ended up good.

Atticus was still a little sick so we have just been staying at home because Atty's daycare won't let kids come in when sick so I've took some time off work to look after him. I soon reach the car and unlock it before pulling the backdoor open. I lift Atticus into his car seat and he got comfortable before letting me buckle him in, once he was secure I kissed his head before stepping back and shutting the door.

I climb into the drivers seat and buckled myself in and once I started the car my phone vibrated so I pulled it out to see that Taylor had texted me asking if I wanted to meet up at the park. I send her a text back saying we'd be there in about twenty minuets before putting my phone down and I reversed out of the car park once I made sure it was clear before driving to the store.

We soon arrive and I find a car park fairly close to the entrance because it was slightly raining. I turn the car off and climb out, I pocket my phone before opening the backdoor where I unbuckled and lifted Atticus out of his car seat and onto my hip before closing and locking the car door. I adjust Atticus before running to the entrance. Once I was safely inside I placed Atticus down on the ground but made sure I had a firm grip on his hand before leading him around the store collecting some drinks and some small snacks.

Niall's secret childWhere stories live. Discover now