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* Charlie's POV *

I walk down the stairs into the basement, it was quiet which meant Luke was probably still asleep. Once down the stairs I walk over to the bedroom that occupied my little brother. I knock on the door but didn't get an answer so I open the door slightly and poke my head inside to see that Luke was sound asleep on the bed. I smile slightly before walking back upstairs after closing the bedroom door. "hey baby" I smile and wrap my arms around Niall's waist who had just came down the stairs, he was shirtless as he just woke up.

"Morning handsome" Niall smiles and places a kiss on my lips before hugging me to his chest tightly. I smile and place a kiss on his chest as I hug him back just as tight. "Are the kids still asleep?" Niall questions me and I nod my head before taking a step back from him. "So it's just us huh?" I roll my eyes at Niall who chuckled and followed me to the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast?" I question Niall as he took a seat at the counter and I walked over to the fridge.

"Are you on the menu?" My cheeks heat up as I turn to Niall to see he was looking at me with an innocent look on his face but I could tell he wanted to laugh, I could see it in his eyes. My cheeks were still heated as I roll my eyes at him before turning back to the fridge. "You don't get a choice now. We're having bacon and eggs" I hear Niall chuckle as i grab out all the ingredients. "That's fine baby" I turn to Niall once I had grabbed everything and give him a small smile. "Are you going to help?" I question Niall as I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Sure" Niall responds as he stands up from the stool and walks over to where I was standing at the stove. I already had everything out so I grab an egg and crack it into the pan. I do the same for 4 more eggs as Niall stood behind me doing nothing to help except holding onto my waist and lightly kissing my neck. I took everything in me not to shiver and lean back into him but once all the eggs were cracked and cooking I give up and lean back into him moving my head to the side a little to give him more access to my neck.

"like that baby?" Niall questions huskily, i nod my head and close my eyes as a sigh is released from my mouth. "Ew, get a room" My eyes snap open and push Niall away from me as I notice Luke had joined us in the kitchen. "We're in one thank you very much" Niall replies back as he places another kiss on my neck, he had placed his hands back on my hips and pulled me back to his bare chest.

"What's for breakfast?" Luke questions as he takes a seat at the counter. "bacon and eggs" Niall replies as he lets go of me to go join my brother at the counter. "Sweet" Luke mumbles as he plays on his phone. I turn back to the stove and attend to the eggs that luckily weren't burnt. Once the eggs were cooked I cook the bacon before serving the food to the two boys before serving myself. If they wanted some toast they could have gotten up and gotten it themselves.

I take a seat at the counter as well and begin eating my food. I didn't need to make more for the kids seeing as Toby was only a week and a bit old and only drank milk and Atticus would prefer to eat some dry cereal with a bottle of milk and he probably won't be up for another half an hour anyways. Seriously that kid likes to sleep.

"So Luke, want to tell me where you went last night?" I raise my head to look at the two who were having a silent conversation with their eyes. "What do you mean?" I question, Luke didn't go anywhere last night. "Nothing, don't worry" Luke tells me as he gives me a smile. I return the smile before I continued to eat my food.

* Niall's POV *

"Hey baby, want to come with daddy?" I question Atticus as he lazily lays on the couch watching some kid cartoon. "Where you go?" Atty questions as he turns to me. "I'm going to get some ice cream" the little boy's eyes widen and he immediately began nodding his head. "I come" i chuckle and lift him off the couch. "How about we get you dressed then?" Atty nods his head and wraps an arm around my neck as I began carrying him upstairs.

Okay I may have lied a little bit to Atticus about going out to ice cream even though we'll probably get some after we do what we have to do first. I might be cold outside but ice cream is acceptable in every season. I carry Atticus into his bedroom and place him down on his bed before I started digging through his clothes for something for him to wear.

After getting Atticus dressed I carried him back downstairs where Charlie was currently cuddling with Toby on the couch with Luke passed out in the recliner

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After getting Atticus dressed I carried him back downstairs where Charlie was currently cuddling with Toby on the couch with Luke passed out in the recliner. It was probably due to his late night activities last night. I know he went to that party that Charlie said no to. Normally I would tell her but I was going to let the guilt eat him alive and tell her himself. "you two off?" Charlie questions, I nod and give her a kiss and let Atticus give her one as well. I also give Toby's head a kiss which Atty also wanted to do before we stood back up straight.

"Have fun" Charlie tells me and I pout at her. Where we were going was probably not going to be fun. Especially for Atty but I was going to have to deal with it so it wouldn't be fun for me either. Charlie was meant to be coming as well but I told her I could take him by myself so we didn't have to deal with Toby and paparazzi when out. They are all wanting to snap a photo of the newborn. "Ready baby?" Atticus nods happily and wraps his arm back around my neck. I smile and say goodbye to Charlie once more before walking out of the living room and into the garage.

I buckle Atticus into his car seat before climbing into the drivers seat and buckled myself in before turning the car on and headed out of the driveway and away from the house. About fifteen minuets later we arrive at the doctor's clinic so i turn the car off once parking in the closest park I could find. I unbuckle myself before getting out of the car. I shut my door before opening the back door.

"We get ice cream?" Atty question as I unbuckle him. "Not yet bud, we have some things to do first" He nods and lets me lift him out of his seat. I place him down on the ground as I shut the car door and lock the car before I took his little hand in mine and lead him to the front door of the doctors. We walk inside and i notice the waiting room was quite full with adults and young children. I lead Atticus up to the receptionist desk where I tell them Atticus' name.

"Doctor Jackson will be out shortly to see you" I smile and thank her before walking over to a spare seat. "I go play?" Atticus questions me once I took a seat. I nod and let go his hand so he could go play with the toys in the corner with the other 4 children around his age, if not older. I watch for him for a little bit before Doctor Jackson called out Atticus' name and we followed him to one of the rooms.

"Hi Atticus" Dr. Jackson greeted once i placed him down on the bed that was in the room. "Hi" Atticus replies happily with a wave. "Are you going to be a tough little boy?" The doctor questions Atticus who nods his head with a smile on his face. I smile and stand beside the bed because I know Atty wasn't going to be tough when it got to the needles. Doctor Jackson did the normal check up before he got to the last part. Atticus was due for two injections so this was going to be hectic.

"You're being very good so far Atticus, now we have two more things to do" Atticus nods his head and watches the doctors every move. Doctor Jackson grabbed a needle that had some liquid in it and before I knew it my ear drums were being burst because as soon as Atticus realized what the object was he began screaming. "Could you hold him Niall?" I nod and take a seat on the bed. I pull Atticus onto my lap once I was seated and hold onto him as he screamed and cried. I tried to sooth him as much as i could as the doctor stabbed him with the two needles in the thigh.

"All done Atticus" Doctor Jackson told Atty who didn't ease on the screaming or crying. "thank you" I tell the doctor as I stand up from the bed, the doctor had placed a band aid on Atticus thigh so he told me I could take it off in a few hours. I say goodbye to the doctor before carrying my crying, screaming and snot covered face son out of the doctors and to the car. I buckle him into his car seat before driving to the ice cream parlor just like i had promised.

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