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"Mumma, play" Atticus whines from the kitchen ground where he was laying and rolling around bored out of his mind. Niall had left the house about two hours ago to go for a meeting which left me with the toddler who didn't want to do anything I suggested. "You can go outside babe" I say as I motion to the back door that lead to the spacious backyard. "Come with me?" He questions, I sigh and nod my head "but mummy's just going to watch okay?" He sighs but nods his head as he stands up from the ground and runs over to the backdoor.

He was still a little short to open the door so I get off the chair I was sitting on at the counter, pick up my laptop and walk over to my impatient son. I pull the handle down before pushing the door open letting the child out into the cool air. It was quite chilly out here but we didn't need our coats as we were already wearing long sleeved clothing. I walk over to the swinging chair that we had set up on the back porch and take a seat with the laptop in my lap.

I've been online shopping for baby things because I couldn't  be bothered going to the store and looking around because I've been pretty tired lately with the loss of sleep I've been getting lately. I look up to watch as Atticus climbed on the playground we had purchased, it was pretty big with climbing frames, slides, a sandpit, three swings and we even had a trampoline to the side of it. "Be careful Atticus" I warn the boy who was climbing up the rock climbing wall. "I am!" the two year old called back. It wouldn't be long before he would hurt himself.

I look back down at the laptop and continued to browser through unisex infant clothing. This website had a range of apparel for different ages so I've also been browsing for clothing for Atticus since he's getting better and is in need of more clothes. I swap to one of my other open tabs that had furniture and began browsing through. I've been looking at a range of different cribs and stuff like that. I haven't really decided, I don't know if I should just get Atty a new bed and have the baby use his crib.

But I'm still scared of Atticus getting hurt because he'll be able to get out by himself and I don't know if I'm ready for that step up. He's still my baby and getting him a proper bed will prove that he's growing up. I decide to wait for Niall to get home to ask him what he thinks and continue on with browsing for anything that I think I might need. I haven't actually bought anything yet without getting Niall's opinion yet. "Mumma" I look up hoping to not see my baby injured. I smile when he was fine and sitting at the top of the slide. "Watch" he tells me with a giggle. "I'm watching" I tell him, he looks down the slide before looking at me again to make sure I was watching before he slid down.

When he reached the bottom I clapped for him making him look over at me with a proud smile on his face. "I did it mumma!" Atticus shouts over at me. "Yeah you did baby" I tell him, he giggles and makes his way back up the play gym and continued to play. i watch him for a little bit longer before looking back down at my laptop. "Hey babe" I look up to see Niall had just walked out the backdoor. "Hi" I say giving him a small smile as he walks over to me and bends down to give me a quick kiss.

"Whatcha looking at?" Niall questions as he peers at the laptop "Baby stuff" I tell him "Wanna show me?" I nod my head, Niall then proceeds to lift me up and sit down in my seat before placing me back down in his lap. I squeal a little in surprise making Niall chuckle. I lean back into Niall's chest as I show him everything I've been looking at. "I don't know if i want to get a new crib" I tell Niall as we look through the cribs. "What do you mean?" he questions "I mean Atticus is nearly 3 so he can go to a toddler bed but I don't know if I want him to" I say.

"Atty's not going to be a baby for ever Char" Niall tells me softly "but i want him to be" I whine making him chuckle. "I know you aren't going to like it babe, but we can't stop him from growing" I groan and look over at my baby boy on the playground. "I wish we could" I say softly "He's getting too big" I tell Niall "I know, but we'll have a new baby in the house soon" Niall says softly as he places his hand on my baby bump. I turn my head so I could see him and give him a small smile before kissing him gently.

"How about we just get a new crib, and then when Atty is 3 we'll get him a new bed?" Niall suggests, i think about it for a moment before nodding my head "Okay" I say softly "good" I smile and continue to show Niall everything. I also show him all the clothes and he agreed on them so I purchased them along with a new crib that Niall and I had decided on. We've already bought a baby car seat and we already have Atticus' changing table so we don't need a new one.

"Dada" Niall and I look over to see the young boy was running towards us happily "Hey buddy" Niall greets the child when he reached us. "I missed you" Atticus tells his father "I missed you too baby, Were you good for mummy?" Niall questions the young boy who looks down in shame. "No" he mumbles "What was that?" Niall questions "I was naughty" Atticus says softly as he glances at me than at his father. "What do you say then?" Niall questions Atty.

"Sorry" Atty mumbles "Atty" Niall warns making Atticus look at me "sorry mumma, I was a bad boy" Atticus tells me. I move my laptop to the side before lifting Atticus onto my lap. "I forgive you baby" Atticus throws his arms around my neck and hugs me "I love you" He mumbles into my neck "I love you too baby" I whisper as i kiss the side of his head. "Mummy will always love you"


"I'm a little teapot" Atticus has been singing this song all evening since he discovered the song, he doesn't really know all the words so he's been making up them along the way and changes them every time and it's quite funny. I watch as Atty dances around the kitchen singing the song repeatedly. "Alright bud that's enough" I tell him after the twelfth time he's sung the song in the last half hour. "But I'm a little teapot" Atticus exclaims as he looks over at me with a hurtful look on his face.

I've been recording him since the start of the last time he sung the song so I captured that moment on video which I'm quite proud of. I stop recording and place my phone down on the counter. "Yeah you're my adorable little teapot, But I think little teapots need a break as well" I tell him, he thinks for a moment before nodding his head and walks over to me. "Are you ready for bed yet babe?" I question, Atticus thinks for a moment before shaking his head with a giggle. Niall had gone out to get some snacks on my behalf.

I've been craving some vanilla ice cream and brownies so he's gone to get some. "How about we go cuddle in mummy's bed and watch Nemo?" I question and he nods his head straight away. "Alright I'll get your bottle than we can go" He nods and continues jumping around the kitchen with his infinite energy. I smile at him before going over to the fridge where I've already got a bottle of milk inside and pull it out. "C'mon babe" Atticus runs over to me and takes hold of my hand.

I smile down at him and lead him out of the kitchen and over to the stairs. I lift Atticus up with one arm and carry him up the stairs and into mine and Niall's new bedroom. The bed was massive and really comfy, but the main thing was that we had a big plasma TV set up in front of the bed which was good for movie nights. I place Atty down on the bed and climb in after him under the covers. I turn the TV on and it was already on the start up menu for Finding Nemo so I press play before cuddling with my boy as he drinks from his bottle.

Half an hour later I hear the front door close from downstairs so I look down at Atticus to see he was fast asleep making me smile. I carefully get out of the bed and turn the TV off before lifting Atty out of the bed and carried him down the hall to his bedroom where I proceed to lay him down in his crib and cover him with his blanket before walking downstairs and into the kitchen to see Niall was unpacking the plastic bag from the supermarket.

"He asleep?" Niall questions and I nod my head as I take a seat at the counter. "Here you go" Niall tells me as he passes me a tub of vanilla ice cream and a pack of choc fudge brownies. I thank him as he slides a spoon over to me and I began pigging out like the pregnant women I am.

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