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Happy new years to the beautiful readers of this book. I hope you all had an amazing year and hope it gets even better this year. Hope you enjoy reading :)

I cradle my baby as Niall discusses things with the doctor that attended to us today. "hey baby" I whisper as I stroke his face, he has been starting to wake up for a little bit now but hasn't woken up fully yet. Atticus hums softly as he leans into my touch. Atticus had cried himself to sleep before the doctor could even patch up his wound. Atticus falling asleep made everything a lot easier because we didn't need to hold him down and deal with him crying during the procedure.

The injury wasn't as bad as we thought, Atticus had split his forehead open on something in his bedroom which caused a pretty bad cut on the right side of his forehead which needed five stitches. "Mumma" I stroke Atticus' cheek as he mumbles "I'm here baby" I say softly as I move my hand up to his hair where I run my fingers through his hair that was now free of blood. One of the nurses was in charge of cleaning all the blood off Atticus once he was all stitched up and she did an amazing job at it.

I look up as I hear the door close, I notice the doctor had left and Niall was now walking over to me. "hey baby" Niall speaks softly as he kneels down in front of me and strokes Atty's cheek. "Dada" Atty mumbles as he turns his head to look at Niall with his eyes slightly open. "I'm here baby, you're okay" Atty nodded his head once before turning to look up at me. "no hurtie anymore mumma" I smile slightly at Atty's words. "That's great baby" I say as I lean down and place a kiss on his head.

Atticus soon drifted back off to sleep in my arms and I continue to sit here with my fingers running through his hair and stroking his soft baby cheeks that were a little rosy. Half an hour after Atty had fallen asleep the doctor walked back in with some pain medication and informed us that we could now take Atticus home. "What's the time?" I question Niall softly as we walk through the hospital. "11:35pm" I groan and adjust Atticus so he was more comfortable. "Do you want me to take him?" Niall questions as he looks over at me as we enter the elevator.

"Yes please" I sigh, Niall nods and carefully takes the child from my arms and cradles him as we wait for the elevator to get to the lobby floor so we could exit the hospital. After stopping on two floors we arrive at the lobby and we exit the elevator before making our way out of the hospital. "The car is just over there" Niall informs me as he points towards his car. I nod my head as we make the small walk towards the car.

After buckling Atticus into his car seat and I had secured his blanket around his small body I shut the door and turn to Niall with a sigh. "He'll be fine babe" I nod and rest my head against Niall's chest. "Are you okay?" Niall asks softly as he wraps his arms around me. I let out a sigh and hug Niall tightly. "I'm just worried about him" I say as I pull my head back to look up at Niall. "It's just a little cut babe. He'll be fine soon" Niall informs me softly as he places a kiss on my head. "okay" I mumble as I look into Niall's eyes.

"C'mon let's get you in the car" Niall says, I nod as we let go of each other and he pulls the passenger side door open for me. I climb into the car and give Niall a small smile before he shuts the door quietly before walking around to the other side. I put my seat belt on before looking over my shoulder at Atticus to see he was still sleeping peacefully with his head cocked to the side. I smile slightly before turning back around as Niall starts the car and began driving home.


"hey baby" I say softly as Atticus rolls over and looks at me with his eyes slightly open. I had begged Niall last night to let Atty sleep in our bed and he caved after a few kisses. I haven't wanted to leave him by himself because I was scared something else was going to happen to him. "Hi mumma" Atticus said tiredly before he lets out a yawn. I smile at him as I run my fingers through his soft hair. "how're you feeling baby?" I ask softly "good, no hurtie"

I lean over and kiss Atty's forehead, right beside the bandage. "that's great baby" I say softly before turning to look at the door as I hear it creak open. "Morning you two" Niall speaks with a smile on his face as he makes his way over to the bed. "Dada" Atty giggles as he sits up in the bed and reaches over for Niall to pick him up which he does before twirling our little boy around in the air.

I smile as I watch my little boy scream and giggle in joy. "How's my baby?" Niall questions Atticus as he stops twirling the boy around and just rested him on his hip. "good dada, we go play?" Atticus questions as he looks at Niall than at me with a hopeful look on his face. "maybe after breakfast baby" I say and he pouts but nods his head. "How about we leave mummy to get ready, while we go cook breakfast" Niall tells Atticus who nods his head excitedly. I smile and wave goodbye to him as Niall carries him out of the room. I grin as Atticus waves back before blowing me a kiss. I catch the kiss and blow one back making him burst out into a fit of giggles.

Once both of my boys were out of sight I climb out of the bed and make my way out of the bedroom and into my old bedroom where I collected some clothes before making my way into the bathroom where I close the door before striping down from my sleepwear before climbing into the shower. I let out a sigh as the water hit my bare body and it felt so refreshing. After standing there for a few minuets I wash my body and hair before climbing out of the shower and dried myself before getting myself ready for the day.

Once I was finished getting myself ready I make my way downstairs where I could smell eggs being cooked. I walk into the kitchen and smile at the sight of Atticus in Niall's arms as they stand at the stove cooking our breakfast. I luckily brought my phone downstairs with me so I quickly snap a photo of the two. Niall must have heard me because he turns around to look at me with a smile on his face. "hi mumma, we make food" Atty informs me as he points at the stove. "It smells yummy baby" I tell him as I walk over to the two before taking Atticus out of Niall's arms.

"I helped too" Atticus tells me as I carry him over to the counter where I take a seat on one of the chairs before placing Atty on the counter in front of me. "Oh really?" I ask my baby who giggles and nods his head proudly. "Yep" I smile and kiss his nose making him giggle as he swats my face away gently. "We go play with Coop?" Atticus questions me. For some reason he hasn't come to the fact that the twins actually have separate names so he just calls them both Coop, and since Atticus has been doing this, the twins decided to join in so now they both call each other Coop.

It can get a little confusing sometimes but Taylor normally has the twins names written on the tags of their clothing so you just check the tag on their shirt and you should know, and just the other day Taylor had gotten the twins' hair cut and made sure they both had a different haircut so it was easier to tell which is which. "Maybe baby, we'll have to see" Atticus nods his head before putting his thumb in his mouth as we both turn to Niall and watch him serve up our food. He had made scrambled eggs with small pieces of bacon mixed into it. 

"Breakfast is served" Niall informs us in an announcer voice as he places two bowls in front of me. "Why thank you" I say as I look up at Niall. He chuckles and pecks me on the lips before kissing Atticus' head before taking a seat at the table. I lift Atticus off the counter and place him in the high chair beside me. "Here babe" I say as I place Atty's bowl and spoon on the table part of the high chair. The boy immediately began eating so I turn away from him and eat my own food. 

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