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"Mumma" I turn to see Atticus was standing there with a pout on his face "What baby?" I question as I beckon him over to the couch where I was sitting. "I want daddy" Atticus speaks with a little crack in his voice meaning he was on the verge of tears. I give him a small smile as I lift him off the ground and onto my lap. Atticus immediately adjusted himself and cuddled into me and a moment later he was crying.

"Why do you want daddy babe?" I ask as I rub his back slightly "I miss him" Atticus cried as he looked up at me, I sigh and run my fingers through his overgrown hair. Niall had left a few hours ago to go to the studio where the band were recording some new songs. "How about we go see daddy for a little bit?" I ask after a little bit. "Weally?" Atticus asked as he looked up at me with tears still falling from his eyes. "Yeah, but only if you stop crying"

The little boy immediately put his hands up to his face and wiped away his tears "go now?" he asked making me chuckle. "We gotta get dressed first" I say as I tickle his stomach making him giggle. "Let's go get ready" I say and Atticus nodded before climbing off my lap and ran over to the stairs but couldn't get past the baby gate. Atticus looked over at me with an impatient look which made me chuckle.

I get off the couch and walk over to the stairs where I lift Atticus up into my arms before opening the gate before proceeding to walk up the stairs and into Atty's bedroom. I place the little boy down on the changing table and he laid down immediately. I smile down at him before walking over to his dresser where I begin looking through his clothes. I knew it was mildly cold outside so I looked through his warmer clothes and eventually i had an outfit so I walked back over to the little boy who was waiting patiently. I place the new clothes off to the side and undress the child from his sleep wear before getting him dressed in the new clothes that I had picked out.

Once he was dressed I lifted him off the changing table and placed him with his toys that were in the corner of his bedroom

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Once he was dressed I lifted him off the changing table and placed him with his toys that were in the corner of his bedroom. "Mummy's going to get ready. Can you stay here?" I ask Atticus as I crouch down next to him, Atticus looks up at me before nodding his head.  I smile and kiss his head before standing back up.

I walk out of his bedroom and across the hall to mine where I had a quick shower and got myself ready as quick as i could because I know that if Atticus is left alone for too long he'll get himself into some sort of trouble. Once I was sure I was ready and had everything I needed in a small backpack I walked out of the bedroom and back into Atticus' to see he was laying on the floor playing with his new truck that Niall had gotten him the other day.

"Ready to go baby?" I ask, Atticus turned so he could see me before nodding, I walk over and lift him off the ground and place him on my hip before walking out of the bedroom and down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and over to the fridge where I grab out Atticus' sippy cup which had some apple juice before grabbing my keys and then walked out of the house, shutting and locking the door behind me.

"Ready to see daddy?" I ask Atticus as I place him in his car seat and buckle him in. "yeah, we going now?" Atty questioned and I nod my head as I pass him the sippy cup. "Yeah we're going to see him now" The young boy smiled before taking a drink of his juice. I smile slightly before shutting the car door carefully and climbed into the drivers seat. I turn the car on before reversing out of the car park and headed to the studio.


"Daddy" Atticus squealed as we walked into the studio room where the lads were taking a break. I had made sure to ask the receptionist because I didn't want to walk in and interrupt up them. "Oh hey buddy" Niall said with a chuckle as our son ran over to him. Once Niall had Atticus in his arms he looked over at me in shock because he hadn't expected me to stop in.

"He missed you and started crying" I explain as I give the lads a hug, except for Niall who was holding onto the young boy who was squeezing his daddy as hard as he could. About half an hour later the lads had to get back to work so after one last goodbye I carried Atticus out of the studio and back into the car while he whined about not being able to stay with his daddy. 

"Daddy has to work babe, he'll be back later tonight" I tell Atticus as I buckle him into his car seat "but i want him now" Atticus whines as he tries to get out of the seat but I had already done the harness up which stopped him from getting too far. "Here babe" I say passing the boy his pacifier. He glared at me before sucking on the pacifier. I sigh before shutting the door. I climb into the drivers seat and turn the car on before heading to the closest park so Atticus could make himself tired for his nap when we get home.

I park the car in a vacant car park before turning the car off. I turn around in my seat to see Atticus was staring at the park. I smile before climbing out of the car, I open the back door and unbuckle Atticus before lifting him onto my hip. I shut the car door and lock the car before walking out of the car park and over to the playground. As we got closer I placed the small child down on the ground and let him run the rest of the way.

Atticus soon joined in the mob of little children who were running around in the sand climbing all over the equipment. I walk over to one of the benches and sat down next to a young mother who was probably a few years older than me. "Was that your little boy?" The lady questioned a moment later "yeah that's my little one" I say with a smile on my face "He's gorgeous" She said as we watched all the children run around.

"Thank you" I pause "Which one is yours?" I question "The two little boys pushing each other" I scan the children until my eyes land on the identical twin boys pushing each other. "Twins" I say in shock "yeah, they're a handful" the women laughed. "Oh sorry, my name is Taylor" The women said as she looked over at me. "I'm Charlie" I say and she smiled. "It's nice to meet you Charlie" Taylor says as we look back at the children.

"It's nice to meet you too, what are your boys' names?" I question "Conner and Cooper, what about your little guy?" Taylor questioned as we watched Atticus make his way over to the twins. "Atticus" I reply as the twins stopped pushing each other and began talking to Atticus who was probably freaked out that he was seeing two little boys that looked the exact same. "That's an unusual name" Taylor speaks and I nod my head with a smile on my face.

"Yeah i didn't want to name him something that was pretty popular" I say and Taylor nodded. "It looks like they've hit it off" I look back over to our boys to see they were all seated in the sand playing, I smile "Looks like they're best friends already" I comment with a small chuckle. For the next two hours Taylor and I sat there talking while our boys kept together and played the whole time. I found out that the twins were the same age as Atticus and surprisingly the twins were born on the same day as Atticus. April 17th.

While we were sitting there Taylor and I exchanged numbers so we could organise play dates for the boys because just by how they've been playing we knew they'd end up being best friends. "Mumma i wanna stay" Atticus whined as I quickly jumped into the drivers seat after buckling Atticus into his seat. We would have stayed longer but it started raining so Taylor and I made the best decision to leave so none of us would get sick. So once we had gathered our boys who were enjoying the rain we bit goodbye before running off to our cars.

"It's raining babe, we can't stay at the park" I explain to Atticus as I buckle myself in before turning on the car. I hear Atticus huff which made me roll my eyes as I reverse out of the car park and drive home because we didn't have anything else to do that I knew of. I pull into the driveway of our house and turn the car off before climbing out. I open the back door and smile when I notice that Atticus was sound asleep. I carefully unbuckle him and lift him out of the car before carrying him to the front door where I unlocked the door before walking in. I kick my shoes off before shutting the door and headed upstairs.

I walk into Atticus' room and carefully lay him down on the changing table where I pull his shoes and pants off before putting a pull up on him. Once it was secured I lifted him back off the table and lay him down in his crib, I tuck him in before walking out of the bedroom, i leave the door open a little bit before walking back downstairs where I could relax without worrying about what Atticus was doing.

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