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I jump up from the couch as quick as I could as I hear a gut wrenching scream from upstairs. The only person upstairs at the moment was Atticus so it was definitely him screaming. Niall runs out of the kitchen and we both race up the stairs and into Atticus' room to see he was laying on the ground screaming his head off as blood poured from his forehead. I run over to my little boy and lift him off the ground not caring if his blood stained my clothing. I sit him down on the changing table as Niall presses a hand towel on his little forehead.

"Shh baby" I say as I try to settle Atticus down so we can see what happened exactly before we take any dramatic decisions. "Mumma hurtie!" My heart breaks as my little boy screams those words at me. "We need to go to the hospital" I tell Niall as I turn to him. "shh Char, settle down for a second" Niall tells me as he uses his free hand to rub my back. "I can't settle down, my baby is covered in blood" I say as I lift Atty off the table. "Okay I'll get the car out" I nod and take hold of  the towel and keep pressure on the wound as Niall rushes out of the bedroom.

I grab Atty's blankie before rushing out of the room as well as I try to sooth Atticus who was still crying his eyes out. "It's okay baby, mummy's here" I tell my baby boy as I carry him down the stairs and out the front door, not bothering about jackets. I pull the door shut before rushing past Niall who had already pulled the car out and was going back to lock the front door. I climb into the passengers seat, not bothering about putting Atty into his own chair. I pull the door shut before moving Atty so he was bridal style in my arms before buckling ourselves in.

I put my hand back on his forehead to keep pressure on the wound so it would hopefully stop bleeding. I hear Niall climb into the car but I don't really take notice because all I could focus on was the blood that was drying on my baby's face and clothing. How could I let this happen? why wasn't I keeping an eye on him? If I had been we wouldn't be in this situation. "mummy's here" I tell Atty again as i move his hair away so blood wouldn't soak into it even though there were a few strands of his blonde locks that were now soaked in blood.

The ride to the hospital seemed to take forever which didn't calm my nerves at all. I know all this worrying won't help the baby in my stomach but I couldn't really care about that at the moment. I just want my little boy out of pain. I can't stand to see him in it. "We're here" I look up to see Niall had pulled up at the front of the emergency department. "I'll meet you in there" I nod and unbuckle Atticus and myself before climbing out of the car. Niall speeds off to find a car park while I rush into the hospital's emergency department.

A nurse walking by glances over at Atty and myself before stopping in her tracks. "I need a stretcher" The nurse yells out before rushing over to Atticus and I. "what happened?" she questions as she removes the towel a little bit but it began gushing out with blood again so she puts it back on. "I don't know. He was upstairs" she nods as the stretcher is rushed over to us by two nurses and a doctor. The male nurse quickly asks me for permission before taking Atty from my arms and laid him down on the stretcher resulting him letting out a ear splitting scream.

I know it's short, don't hate me please! I thought I'd just tease you all with the small upload. I've been really busy and working almost everyday so I haven't been able to write at all. Anyways, how was everybody's Christmas?

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