Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

"Okay guys, don't make me look like an idiot when we meet them alright?" I was so nervous.

"Don't worry Niall, you'll make yourself look like an idiot with out any help from us" said Louis. He was always so great with words.

I had watched this girl for most of the show tonight. She was beautiful and seemed to be having the best time. Once I spotted her it was like I was drawn to her. That had never happened to me at a show before. She was cute and sexy at the same time. We got to the room where the guard told us they were waiting. We walked right in.

"Hi girls! How'd you like the show?" Harry walked right in and started up a conversation like we had known them for years.

Both their mouths dropped open, it was hilarious. They looked at each other and clearly didn't know what to say.

"We saw you girls in the front row having such a good time. Usually we meet all the girls in the first few rows before the concert but we didn't remember you girls." I would have remember this girl for sure.

"Oh, right. Well I won tickets for tonight and meet and greet passes but I have two friends that really like you too so I gave them the meet and greet passes and kept the tickets." This beautiful girl also seemed to have such a big heart. Most fan would kill, and I literally mean kill, to get their hands on front row tickets and meet and greet passes but this girl didn't want to be selfish and shared them with friends.

"That was sweet of you, love. Well you got to meet us anyway." Harry walked over to her as he said this and sat right next to her. I was instantly jealous. He knew I was the one who had asked they be brought back here but he didn't know it was because I wanted to know more about the one girl, the girl he was sitting very close to.

"Thanks. I'm Kelsey by the way and this is my best friend Hannah." She pointed to her friend who just waved at each of us. She was still in shock I think.

"So you're American huh? The accent gave you away, not the shirt." Zayn asked as he sat down next to Hannah and started eating an apple. Ugh, now I was hungry.

"Yeah. We are both from Upstate New York. We moved here about 8 months ago." Kelsey was still the only one talking and Harry was still very close to her.

"Very cool. Well, we were going to go out to dinner, would you girls like to join us?" I directed my question to Kelsey. She blushed when I talked to her.

"We don't want to impose on you guys. I'm sure you don't want two fans hanging around you all night." Hannah finally spoke up.

"You're not imposing, and we always like the company of beautiful girls" I said.

"Alright, um where were you planning on going? We can meet you there if you want." Kelsey was asking me.

"Nandos. It's closed but we called ahead and they know we're coming. You girls should just ride with us though. With traffic it would take you forever to get there." Louis said.

"You're probably right. Well lead the way." Kelsey and Hannah stood up and followed us out of the small room. We told them to wait outside our dressing room while we changed quick.

"Okay, Harry I just need to get this out now, I like Kelsey so please don't hit on her." It seemed to confuse him when I said this to him.

"That's cool man. I kind of like Hannah. You know I have a thing for blondes recently." He patted me on the back, I felt relieved.

When we got out of the changing room Kelsey and Hannah were sitting on the floor next to the door waiting for us. I held my hand out for Kelsey to help her up. She took it and I felt a tingle go all the way up my arm. She stood up but I didn't let go of her hand right away and she didn't try to pull away. I led her towards the exit, still holding her hand but when we got to the door I heard screaming outside and knew there would be fans lined up, I dropped her hand. I wasn't sure exactly why I did it. I liked holding her hand but I guess I didn't want the fans to assume anything. I looked at her and she looked kind of sad. I didn't like seeing her sad.

We went out the door and saw a huge group of girls waiting behind the fence to get a glimpse of us. I pointed Kelsey and Hannah to the van, they walked towards it while the boys and I went over to the fence to sign some autographs and take some pictures. The whole time my body was fighting the urge to just run to the van to be next to Kelsey. I had met this girl maybe 30 minutes ago and it was already painful for me to be away from her. I may be in trouble.

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