Chapter 36

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Niall's POV

Luckily when I had gotten to the airport the girl at the counter recognized me and got me on a flight to London that left in less than an hour. I'll never forget Kelsey's face when I walked into the waiting room at the hospital. I had never seen her so sad. We had been though hell as a couple and somehow this was worse than anything we had ever been though. When were we just going to get our happily ever after?

"Thank god you're here. Your mom and Greg are here, they just went to get coffee." I just held her for a few minutes. I felt her exhale and then start crying. I can't believe I wasn't here and that my phone was off the night Oliver got to the hospital. I can't even imagine going through what Kelsey had gone through on her own.

"Please don't be upset with me. I should have never turned my phone off or went out that night. I'm just so sorry." She pulled back and wiped away the tears from her eyes and the ones from mine.

"Niall, you're allowed to go out and have fun with your best friends when you're on tour. You work harder than anyone I know. I know that would would have been here if you could have. I'm not mad at you, I was just scared." She kissed me softly and pulled me by shirt so I'd move close to her again.

We stood there for a few minutes until we heard the doctor.

"Mrs. Horan, Mr. Horan I presume?"

"Yeah, nice to meet you." I said and shoot the doctor's hand.

"Oliver is doing a little better. We want to keep him for another day or two just to keep an eye on his lungs. He has been responding well to the fluids though. You can go in and visit with him if you'd like."

"Niall you go ahead, I'll wait for your mom and Greg. We'll be there soon."

I followed the doctors to a huge room with a bunch of small clear cribs. There were babies hooked up to machines, some had all sorts of wires connected to them, and then there was Oliver. He was in just a diaper and he had a mask over his nose. He had a few wires connected to him, one that was connected to bags of liquid hanging next to him. He looked so small and weak. I could see his chest rising and falling but it wasn't steady like it normally was. He was taking really short breaths in. It broke me to see him like this.

The nurse came over to me with a yellow gown that I had to put on. After I put it on I reached over the edge of the crib and held his tiny hand. He squeezed my finger. I started crying. He wasn't even two months old and he was back in the hospital. I saw Kelsey, my mom and Greg walk in. My mom walked over to me and hugged me really right.

"Thanks for coming mom."

"Of course I came. I need to look after my son, daughter and grandson." She took Kelsey's hand and one of mine. Kelsey rested her head on my mom's shoulder.

"How ya doing man?" Greg asked.

"I've definitely been better."

"He's a fighter little brother. He's a Horan and we're strong men. He'll be okay." Greg said.

We stayed with Oliver for about an hour and then the nurse said visiting hours were over. She said that would could stay in the waiting room overnight or go home and they would call if anything happened but she said that he was doing really well. We decided to go home and sleep, especially since it was only 10 minutes from the hospital. My mom and Greg planned to stay the night as well.

When we got back to the house there was a van sitting in the driveway. I parked the car and got out, then I saw Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn get out of the van.

"What the hell are you guys doing here? You should be in Paris!"

"There's no way we could go on tonight knowing what you guys are going through and after watching that shit Paul tried to pull. We just left." Zayn said.

"I can't believe you guys did that. What did Paul say?"

"He didn't really say anything. He just stood there with a stunned look on his face." Harry said, he was laughing.

"I'm surprised you didn't know we cancelled the show, it's been all over Twitter." Louis said.

"I haven't even looked at my phone since I boarded the plane. I'm sure I'll have a lot of angry messages and voicemails." I honestly didn't care.

"Come on in boys, I'll make some dinner. You guys gonna crash here or head to your places?" Kelsey asked.

"What do you think Niall?" Liam asked.

"I'd like you guys to stay. We could use the support. Mom and Greg can have the guest bedrooms and you guys have the whole tv room. There's plenty of couches and space. It's up to you guys though."

"If you want us here, we'll be here." Harry said and hugged me.

Everyone came inside and Kelsey and my mom started cooking. I grilled some steaks outside and everyone else hung out and watched tv.

It felt good to know that the boys always had my back and that they would always be there for me. They all risked their careers to be here and support Kelsey, Oliver and I and they will never know how much that means to me.

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