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5 years later

Niall's POV

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Oliver, Happy Birthday to you." We all sang in unison. Oliver leaned forward and blew out the candles on his Spiderman birthday cake.

It was Oliver's fifth birthday and we were having a massive party for him. I couldn't believe he was already five years old. It seemed like it was only yesterday that I was holding him for the first time. So much had happened in five years. One Direction was still very much together. We were still selling out venues, releasing number one albums and singles. We couldn't believe that we were still as popular as we were but we thanked our lucky stars everyday. We toured less these days though. We did a tour every two years now instead of every year.

Louis and Zayn both got married two years ago. Louis and Eleanor were expecting their first child in two months; a little girl. Eleanor and Kelsey had become much closer over the past five years. They were more like sisters rather than just friends. Zayn and Perrie got married on New Years Eve in Vegas. We all went and it was one of the most amazing nights of my life. I was so happy to see my best friends starting families of their own. Liam and Harry both had serious girlfriends. Liam was dating a make up artist names Jade that Lou introduced him to a couple of years ago. They were inseparable from day one. Harry dated casually up until last year when he started dating Emma Watson. It was completely random that they started dating but they were both at a charity event a year ago and clicked right away. They dated casually at first but it has become very serious in the past few months.

As for Kelsey and I, we have been happier. We finally moved back to Ireland full time a year go. We still spent some time in London but Ireland was home now. Kelsey was working as a wedding planner. She had gotten so many e-mails and phone calls after all our wedding photos were released and when she told everyone that she had planned and put together the entire wedding people started asking her for help with their weddings and it eventually became a business. She planned Eleanor and Louis wedding and it was even more amazing than ours. She loved what she was doing and I was so happy that she found something she loved as much as I loved my job.

"Oliver, do you want to open your presents?" I asked.

"Oh yeah!! I can't wait to see what I got dad!" He jumped out of his seat, covered in cake and ran over to where all the gifts were.

"Niall, I'm gonna go check on Quinn, can you get him started with the presents?" Kelsey said.

"Sure baby!"

Kelsey's POV

I walked upstairs and poked my head in Quinn's room. She was standing up in her crib, holding onto the sides and dancing.

"You're up? Do you want to come to the partyyy?" I said to her. She started jumping up and down. She looked adorable. I had dressed her for the party before I put her down for her nap. She had a t-shirt on that said "Happy Birthday Big Brother" and a little red tutu.

Quinn was born two years ago. Niall and I found out I was pregnant with our second child on his birthday. He said it will forever be the best birthday gift he'll ever get. She was born on the 5th of August. She was a beautiful girl. She had blue eyes that were the color of the ocean, just like her brother and dad. She had gorgeous curly brown hair. She was such a happy baby. Niall and I had gotten so lucky with our kids. They were always smiling and almost never fussed. When Quinn was born Oliver fell in love instantly. He has been protective over her from day one and it was so adorable. Niall and Quinn also had a very special bond. She was definitely a daddy's girl.

I picked her up out of her crib and brought her downstairs. Everyone stopped us on the way to the living room where Oliver was opening presents so they could comment on how beautiful Quinn was. When we got to the living room it was a disaster! They was wrapping paper and presents everywhere but the smile on Oliver's face was priceless. He looked up and saw Quinn and I standing in the living room.

"QUINNY! Look what I got." He held up a few Spiderman action figures. "We can play with these later, aren't you excited!?" Quinn walked over to him,and stared clapping, that definitely meant she was excited.

Niall scooped her up and put her up on his shoulders. She was smiling from ear to ear. I looked at my perfect little family, surrounded by Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Eleanor and Perrie; my extended family. I couldn't help but smile when I thought about how incredibly lucky I was to have all of these amazing people in my life. I was literally the luckiest girl in the entire world. I really did have my fairytale come true.

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