Chapter 32

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Kelsey's POV

It was Friday, the day the interview was going to air. The boys had done a radio interview in the morning and were asked about what the exclusive news was that Niall was going to announce tonight but the boys just played dumb. They all came over that night to watch the interview with us. Eleanor and Perrie came as well. We needed the moral support so I was happy they were there.

I had just put Oliver down for the night and so we all crowded into the living room and turned on the show. Niall also had his laptop out so we could see what people on Twitter were saying.

"People are going mental already and the show hasn't even started. Most of the people think I'm leaving the band. They're in for a surprise." Niall laughed. I just sat back, privately freaking out inside. What if the fans hated the idea of Niall married with a baby or they hated us for keeping it a secret?

The show started and it was the first time I had seen any of it. Niall and I looked happy and we both looked great. I had worn a short black dress with white polka dots and pale yellow suede pumps and Niall was in khakis and a burgundy dress shirt. We both had worn our wedding rings but we were hiding them until the announcement was made. Niall had his hand on the couch between us so you couldn't see his and I had mine covered with my right hand but I kept playing with it so I felt like it was obvious that I had a ring on. No one else said anything, thank god.

"Niall and Kelsey, welcome to the show. I want to thank you both for being here. Niall, how have you been?" Piers asked.

"Great actually." He flashed his amazing smile.

"Kelsey, how have you been?" I watched myself take a really deep breath in and hold it for a second. I looked so nervous.

"I've been good, thanks."

"So, this is your first interview together and you've come on the show to announce some very big news right Niall?" Piers asked.

"Yeah, Kelsey and I have some really great news that we wanted to share with everyone. About 8 months ago Kelsey and I got married in a very private ceremony with just our friends and family." I saw him squeeze my hand and I realxed.

"Married!? That's amazing. Congratulations. I can't believe you kept it a secret for so long."

"It was important for us to kept that day really private. Being in One Direction had been one of the most amazing experience in my entire life but I've had to give up a lot of my privacy. I've had to sacrifice a lot and this was one day that I wanted to share with just my friends and family and it was literally the best and most perfect day of my life."

As Niall spoke they started showing the pictures of the wedding that we had brought in. They were such gorgeous pictures. There was one of when Niall saw me for the first time at the end of the aisle and next to it was a picture of me seeing him for the first time. I had a massive smile on my face and so did Niall but you could tell we both had our breath taken away. I had never seen Niall that happy, not until he held Oliver for the first time. The next picture they showed was of the two of us during the ceremony followed by a shot of all the boys and their girlfriends during the ceremony; Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn were all crying and so we Eleanor and Perrie. Next was our first kiss as husband and wife. Niall had one hand on my cheek and then he had one hand in a fist in the air, my hands were on his chest. That one was my favorite picture.

"Kelsey!" Niall called to me, I turned away from the tv and looked at him, he was smiling. "The fans are freaking out on Twitter!!! They are so happy for us and everyone is saying how incredible you look in your dress!" I was so relieved. I focused on the tv again.

"I don't blame you Niall. So Kelsey, tell us about that day." Piers looked at me.

"It was a perfect day. Niall and I had got engaged secretly and decided almost right away that we were going to surprise our family and friends with the ceremony. We wanted it to be a secret so the less people we told ahead of time the better. The only person who knew ahead of time besides the people who worked at the venue was Lou, the boys hairdresser. She came to help me get ready. It was crazy to see the look on everyone's faces when they saw me and Niall at either ends of the aisle. We were hoping our families weren't going to be upset, and they weren't. Everyone was so excited for us. We had told them all to come to the restaurant for a fancy dinner but instead they were there for our wedding. Oh! And the boys and Perrie sang "Little Things" for our first dance and I just have to say that was probably one of my favorite parts of the day."

I looked around the living room at all of them, still in awe that this was my life and that I had this circle of friends they all looked back and me and smiled. I knew they were happy that they could be part of that special day.

"We will be right back with the second half of the interview. The announcements are not over, so make sure you come back." Piers said, then it went to commercial.

"You two look so happy and those pictures you brought were perfect!" Perrie said.

"We do look really happy don't we? But why shouldn't we be?" Niall said and he leaned over and kissed me. Everyone just said "AWWWW" in unison.

Niall went back to looking at his laptop.

"Literally I haven't seen one negative comment. All the messages I'm getting and saying how happy they are for us and how much they love us as a couple." Just then Niall's phone rang and he answered it quickly.

"Hello? ..... Wow really?? ..... Great! .... Sure, call me back when it's over."

"What's up?" I asked.

"That was management, they said this is the most watched episode by a long way, there are 12 million people watching and they have been getting calls about how great this is and asking if we would be available for other interviews." He looked so happy.

I was happy too, at least people liked the fact that we were married but we still had to get through watching the second half of the interview and talk about Oliver and I think that was a much bigger deal than us being married. The show was back.

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