Chapter 34

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Niall's POV

It had been a week since our interview aired and we had gotten noting but love from the press and fans. Of course there were a few unhappy fans but for every one of them there were a hundred that were so happy for Kelsey and I. Kelsey, Oliver and I could finally go out in public as a family. We didn't do it often because we were getting mobbed so much but it was nice to not feel like we were hiding our son.

It was the day I had to leave for our 2015 tour. We had 190 dates total between February and November. It was going to be an incredibly busy year, but our management team promised us that we'd have a year off from touring since we had been on tour each year since we started. I was thankful for this because I was gutted over missing a huge part of Oliver's first year. I was finishing packing when Kelsey came into the bedroom.

"I just put Oliver down for a nap. Do you need any help." She was biting her bottom lip and wouldn't look at me. She always did this when she was trying to hold back tears.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I have to leave you and Oliver." I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. She covered her face with her hands and rested her head on my chest and cried. I couldn't stand to make her sad.

"I'm sorry Niall. I know this is really had for you and me crying like this isn't helping." I wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"Don't ever be sorry for letting your emotions show with me. I could tell you've been holding it in all week." I held her so tight.

"I know, I just don't want to make it worse for you."

"It's going to be terrible either way. You know I hate being away from you and now there's Oliver. He's going to forget who I am while I'm gone." I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Niall, he will not! We'll come see you as much as possible and you're coming home on your breaks and we'll Skype every day. There's no way he'll forget about you, I won't let him."

"I hope you're right. I'm done packing, will you just lay with me for a while?"

"Of course." I laid down on the bed. I pulled her close to me. She was laying on her side with her head resting on my chest.

Growing up I had always dreamed of being a popstar like I am now and traveling the world. I had gotten everything I wanted and then I met Kelsey and I realized that there were things in my life that were important than that childish dream. I would give it all up to stay with her and Oliver if the boys career didn't depend on me being part of the group. They were my brothers and I would never do anything to jeopardized their careers but it was something I thought about quite often.

Kelsey's POV

We laid in the bed in silence for over an hour. I listened to his heart beat and just cherished this moment because moments like this were going to be few and far between over the next year. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 1:30, Niall had to leave for the airport at 3. All the boys had planned to meet here and get picked up so they could say goodbye to Oliver and I. I didn't want to take Oliver to the airport because I knew the crowd there would be insane.

"Niall we should get up, the boys will be here any minute."

"Shit, you're right." We both sat up. He took my face in his hands and leaned in close to me. Our lips just barely brushed against each other and then he kissed me. It was passionate. I was going to miss his kisses while he was gone.

I went into Oliver's room and picked him up. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. I melted every time he smiled. He had gotten even more hair over the past 5 weeks. His eyes also turned a really beautiful shade of blue, almost exactly like Niall's. I hope they stayed that color. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch, Niall followed us. The door opened a few minutes later and the boys walked in.

"Where's my handsome nephew?" Liam said. He walked over to me and I handed Oliver to him. Liam was such a natural with him and Oliver was always smiling when her was in Liam's arms.

"All packed Ni?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, my bag is by the door." He looked so sad.

"Don't worry man, we'll be back in London in three weeks for our first break. You know the time will fly by." Harry said and patted him on the back.

"Hopefully. This feels like torture." He put his head in his hands and leaned over.

"Niall, it's gonna be okay. What if I talk to Paul and see if Oliver and I can come visit you in a week and a half. That way it will only be half the time with out seeing us." As soon as I said this his face lit up.

"Seriously? You'd be okay with traveling with him that soon? He'll only be 7 weeks old."

"I know, but I can't stand to see you this broken over leaving us. I'll talk to Paul today when he picks you guys up." I kissed his cheek and his mood instantly changed.

"My turn!! Give him here Liam." Zayn said. Ever since Oliver was born he and Perrie had become much more serious. I think he saw what Niall and I had and felt like he wanted that with Perrie. He had even asked me to go help him look at rings when they were back in London for in the weeks. I happily said agreed.

Each of the boys took turns with Oliver. They were all so great with him. Oliver really was lucky to have all of them in his life. Paul got to the house around 2:30 and I talked to him about visiting. He said he would figure it all out for me. The boys would be in Paris so it wasn't going to be too long of a flight or anything so I felt better about it. Now it was time to say goodbye to Niall.

"Alright baby, please call me when you get to the hotel tonight, I don't care what time it is."

"Of course I will. Have your phone near you. I'm so happy you're coming to Paris Kels. You're going to love it." He kissed me and pulled me in to him. Then he took Oliver from Louis and said goodbye to him.

"Listen up Olly. You are the man of the house now. Be good for your momma. She's gonna be sad with out me here so make sure you make her smile as much as possible." He kissed his forehead and handed him to me. I couldn't help but cry. I was going to miss him so much and so would Oliver.

"I love you so much Mrs. Horan. I'll call you tonight." He kissed me one more time and walked out the door.

I walked back up to Oliver's room and sat down in the chair with him. I turned on the cd that Niall had made for Oliver. It was Niall singing a bunch of different lullabies. God this year was going to be awful.

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