Chapter 28

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Harry's POV

We pulled up to the restaurant where the dinner for Niall and Kelsey was going to be. I couldn't believe they had said it was a black tie dinner because that just didn't sound like Niall. I would expect a backyard BBQ or something, not this. The boys and I had all driven together in one van, the girlfriends were in another and all our families were meeting us there. We got out and went inside and a girl told us to go straight back through the restaurant and head outside to the garden. We all looked at each other slightly confused.

"Garden? I thought we were here for dinner." Louis said.

"Me too. Maybe they are just having everyone get together outside until dinner is ready. Let's head out there, our families will be here in a few minutes." Liam said.

We walked to the back and through two open French doors. There were chairs set up on both sides of an aisle. At the beginning of the aisle there was a chalkboard sign that said "As two families are becoming one, we ask that you choose a seat, not a side" and it had a heart that had a N+K inside of it. We all knew what was happening.

"Oh my god! This is amazing. How the hell did he kept this a secret?" Zayn said.

"This is the most romantic thing I've ever seen." said Perrie.

Niall's mom came down the aisle towards us.

"Did you boys know about this? I can't believe this, Niall is terrible at keeping secrets!" She was so happy.

"None of us had any idea. You didn't even know?" I asked.

"No! No one here knew. Isn't everything so beautiful?" She turned around and walked back to her seat in the front.

Everything really was gorgeous. It was a beautiful garden filled with pink and white roses. There was a small fountain at the back where the aisle ended. There were candles lining the aisle and the chairs all had pink and grey ribbon tied to them. There were two rows at the front that were empty and Niall's mom waved us up there. When we got there we noticed there were notes on each chair in Niall's handwriting that said "for my best mates and their girls". We sat down in the the two aisles, our families came in, just as surprised as we were and sat on the opposite side of the aisle. The place quickly filled up, it was our tour family and our actual families. Some of Kelsey's friends were there too, I recognized them. In the very front row on the opposite side were four people I didn't recognize. I assumed they were all Kelsey's family. There was an older man and woman, Kelsey looked a lot like the older woman and then there was a beautiful blonde that looked my age and a boy that looked about 15.

Niall came out and gave us all a wink. I had never seen him happier than he was at that moment. A man followed him out and stood next to him. Then soft music started to play and we all turned around. Kelsey was standing at the end of the aisle. I had always thought that Kelsey was absolutely stunning but today she looked perfect. Her hair was curled and she had almost no makeup on, not that she need it. Her dress was beautiful, it was white lace. It was low cut in the front and very low in the back but it wasn't too racy, she looked better than I had ever seen her look. She was tan, and glowing. Maybe it was the baby. She was smiling so big, but I could see a few tears streaming down her face. She walked slowly towards Niall.

I turned around to look at Niall and he was crying as well. He wasn't taking his eyes off her. I didn't blame him. When she reached Niall she took both of his hands and and he kissed her cheek. The ceremony was quick but beautiful. Both of them were so happy and I couldn't stop smiling. I knew how much Niall loved her and I knew how much she loved him. They were the couple all of us hoped to be one day even though that had been together for a short period of time. The two of them were incomplete with out each other but complete together.

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