Chapter 7

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Kelsey's POV

I was so glad Niall told me to come over. When I saw him today all my feelings I had for him two years ago came rushing back. I had been with Sean for a year. He was a great guy. He was a med student, he was really sweet and all my friends adored him. I cared about him and knew that a future with him would make me happy, but I had always loved Niall and always would.

"Hey." I didn't know what else to say or do for that matter. I just stood frozen in his doorway.

"Come on in. It was just checking Twitter and stuff. Sit down." He patted the couch next to where he was sitting. I sat down next to him. I wanted to touch him, to kiss him, something, but I didn't know how he was feeling.

"I can't believe we literally ran into each other today."

"Yeah, what are the chances? So how was the show?" He asked. I looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean? You didn't see the show?"

"Oh, yeah, something came up. I left the boys there." He was a terrible liar. He turned bright red.

"Why did you leave Niall? I know nothing came up, you are shit at lying." I tried really hard not to laugh but couldn't hold it in.

"I couldn't be there with you there. Not when you were with another guy. I couldn't bear it." He wouldn't look at me.

"I'm sorry." I could barely get the words out.

"Sorry for what?" He still wouldn't look at me.

"For all of it. For ruining your night. For ruining us two years ago. It was honesty the biggest mistake I ever made." I couldn't fight back the tears.

"Why did you do it? I would have made it work but you didn't even give me a chance Kelsey. You made me fall for you and then just pulled the fucking rug out from under me." He was angry and I didn't blame him.

"I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought that being with you when you we're traveling the world was going to break me but just letting you go broke me. I was sad all the time. I almost got fired once because my attitude at work was just awful. I would make it through the work day and just go home and cry. Then I'd look at Tumblr or Twitter and you looked and seemed so happy so I just thought that I had missed my chance. I thought that even if I were to call you and tell you I made a massive mistake that you would just tell me I was too late." I was sobbing at this point.

"I looked happy? It has been the worst two years of my life. We had all this success and I didn't enjoy a minute of it. Looking and acting happy is part of my job. Do you think girls would want to come to a show to watch me cry for two hours or listen to me talk about how the love of my life just walked away from me? No. I've had to hide how I felt for two years. Thank god I was as busy as I was. It dulled the pain a little."

"The love of your life?" Did he really say that? I hope he did.

"Yes Kelsey, you are the love of my life and you gave up on us before we even got a chance to start." A tear slid down his cheek. All this time I though I was the only one that was broken, but he was too, all along.

"Niall, I loved you too, I still do." He looked up at me, more hurt than before.

"What about Sean?"

"Sean is a good guy. He's a med student and I met him when he came in to talk to my class about germs and stuff. He asked me out on a date and I said yes because I thought that I should at least try and move on because I thought you already had. So yeah, Sean and I have been together for a little over a year." The more I talked the sadder Niall seemed.

"Well I glad you're happy I guess."

"Stop being so damn stubborn Niall. I'm not happy, aren't you listening? I LOVE YOU, not Sean. I understand I hurt you and I messed things up in the beginning but you didn't fight for me. You didn't try and change my mind, you let me walk away. I will take a majority of the blame for what happened with us but it's not all on me. You played a part in all of this."

"I know I did. I could have tried harder and I could have chased you that day but I didn't and I've regretted it every day since." He put his hands on my cheeks and stared into my eyes. I couldn't stop crying. He wiped the tears off my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"Niall, please tell me you haven't given up on us. Just please tell me we have a chance now."

"Of course we do." His lips were on mine. He kissed me with so much passion. Our last kiss had been a sad one, this was full of lust, need, hope, love. He pulled me onto his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips moved from my lips to my cheek and across my jawline. Then he kissed my neck and ran the tip of me nose from the bottom of my neck to right behind my ear and then kissed there. I pulled away suddenly.

"We need to stop. As much as I want to continue this and as much as I want to make up for the last two years, I still am dating someone and I need to break things off with him before things go any farther."

"I understand. Just please stay here with me tonight. I don't want to let you go yet. I just want to lay next to you and hold you all night." He was practically begging.

"That I can do. But no funny business." He laughed and I kissed his cheek. He stood in front of my and bent his knees.

"Hop on!" He said.

"You want to give me a piggy back ride?" It was adorable, honestly.

"Yes I do, now hop on!" I climbed on his back and he carried me upstairs to his bedroom. He threw me on the bed. When I looked at the night stand next to his bed I noticed a picture that looked really familiar. I got closer to it and realized it was a picture of me, him and the boys from the second night we spent together.

"You've had this here for two years?" I looked up at him. He looked sad again.

"Yeah. It's all the people who are most important to me." He took one of my boots off, then the next followed by his t-shirt. He climbed into bed next to me. I took off my denim button up and threw it on the pile of clothes on the floor and I turned towards him.

"Niall, I really have loved you since that day I watched you do soundcheck. I don't know what exact moment I fell in love with you but I do know that after you were done and you walked over to me that I had fallen in love with you and would love you for the rest of my life." I took his hand and our fingers fit perfectly together just like I remember.

"Jesus Kelsey. I love you so much. Please don't ever leave me again, I know my heart couldn't handle it." He kissed my forehead and pulled me in close to him and closed his eyes.

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