Chapter 18

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Kelsey's POV

I couldn't remember the last time I had slept that well. I rolled over and realized Niall was still fast sleep. His body looked amazing. His hair was a mess but he looked adorable. I ran my fingers through his hair. He woke up.

"Good morning baby." he said sleepily and closed his eyes again. I turned towards him and put my hand on his chest. I traced hearts on his stomach with my finger. He kept giggling.

"Ticklish huh?" I kept doing it.

"Noooo. Well maybe a little." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. Then he kissed my forehead, my cheek, my lips. God I had missed him so much,

"So, what do you have going on today?"

"All we have is the show in Rome and then we drive back to Verona tonight after the show." He pulled me close to him, my head was on his chest.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Niall yelled.

"It's Harry, just checking on you guys." Niall covered us up with the blanket and told Harry he could come in.

"Glad to see your reunion was such a success. We're at the venue now. It's really nice. Niall we have soundcheck in 3 hours and then a quick meet and greet. For now though I'll leave you love birds alone." He winked and walked out closing the door behind him.

"Can we just lay here until I have to get ready? Do you mind? I really just want to be alone with you and as soon as I walk out that door I'll be surrounded by people." I hadn't realized it until now but Niall looked extremely tired. I mowing had been two years since we really saw each other, besides the night before the accident, but he looked 5 years older. No more braces, his hair was still blonde on the ends but had the perfect amount of brown mixed in. He looked worn out though. He wasn't the same bubbly, care free guy I had met two yeas ago.

"We can do whatever you want. Can I ask you something though?"


"Are you okay? You just don't seem yourself. You seem worn out."

"I am worn out. It's been a crazy two years and it didn't help that I was depressed through it all. I missed you every single day. There wasn't a day that I didn't think about you. In the past two years though we've been off a total of 50 days. It's crazy to think about that. We just never stop. I'm exhausted and I haven't even had time to get the knee surgery I need. I'm in pain everyday. We have 3 more shows to play and then we go right into promoting the new album and then the next tour starts in a few months. It's non stop but I shouldn't be complaining. I'm getting to live my dream and not everyone gets that."

"Niall, you can complain. Most people work 40 hours a week, not 40 hours in two days. It's amazing that you guys have had so much success and you don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon but it's okay to want a break too babe." I kept running my fingers though his hair, it seemed to relax him.

"I know, I just feel selfish. When we had that conversation two years ago I was ready to give it all up but this has been my dream for so long and if I had left it wouldn't just be my future that I was screwing with, it would have been all the boys futures too. I wanted to fight for you, for us, but I couldn't ask you to stay if you didn't want to."

"It's in the past Niall and I would have NEVER asked you to give anything up for me, I swear. I should have given us a shot, I was just too scared but we have our shot now and we'll make the most of it." I wrapped my arm around his stomach and tried to her comfortable but it was hard to cuddle with a huge cast on.

"So can you stay with us till the shows are over. It's Monday today and we're done by ?Saturday." He looked at me, hope in his eyes.

"Yeah sure. I have to be back in Dublin by next Monday because that's when I get this stupid cast off my leg and they check my head." He flashed a beautiful smile at me.

"Perfect. I'll come back with you if that's okay. I'll go with you to your appointment and we can visit my family. I want you to meet them."

"I'd love to Niall."

We spent the next few hours talking about our futures and what we wanted. Niall told me he couldn't wait to get married and have kids. He wanted a boy and a girl. He told me that he knew that right now he had to call London home while the band was still so busy but that he'd also like to have a home in Ireland and end up there when things with the band settled down. He told me that he wanted all of those things with me and I felt exactly the same way. We didn't once bring up the past and I hope that we never do again. I didn't want to think about those years without him

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