Chapter 12

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Kelsey's POV

Sean was right. I didn't deserve anyone. I had left Niall two years ago because I was too scared to be hurt and all I ended up doing was hurting him. Then I spent the last year making Sean think we had a future when the only person I ever saw a future with was Niall. I was a horrible person and deserved to be alone.

I spent the entire day in bed. Hannah came to check on me a few times and I told her I was just tired. I knew she didn't believe me but she didn't push me to tell her what was really wrong either. Niall had called 4 times that day but I just ignored the calls. He left voicemails but I couldn't bring myself to listen to them.

Niall deserved someone strong and confident. He deserved someone who would have fought for him two years ago, not someone who gave up on a relationship that hadn't even started. Niall also deserved a girl who didn't look like a monster. I looked in the mirror when I went to take a shower and I just broke down. I always thought I was a pretty girl but the scar on my face was all I could see now. I was so self conscious. I took a shower, kind of, it was almost impossible with my cast. I went back to my bedroom and crawled under the covers. I decided to listen to Niall's voicemails.

"Hi sweetheart. I hope you're feeling good today. I've been thinking about you non stop since you called last night. The boys are all so happy you're okay. Call me when you can. I love you."

Then the next message...

"I hope everything is okay. I'm getting a little worried honestly. I thought I would have heard from you by now. Please call me, love."

Then the next...

"Kelsey why aren't you answering my phone calls? Is it Sean? I swear everything I told you was the truth. If he told you something different then he's lying. I would never lie to you sweetheart. Please call me. I love you."

And the last message....

"I guess since you're not answering me I'll take that as my cue to fuck off. I thought we were past this. I thought this was the start of something new for us but I guess I was wrong again. I'll love you forever, just know that."

What the hell was wrong with me? I had the love of my life fighting for me and I was just giving up again. I was not going to let him go again, there was no way.

I found Harry's number in my contacts, thank god I still had it from two years ago. Now lets just hope the number still worked. It rang a few times before he picked up. He was shouting on the other end and I heard a lot of taking and music in the background. He must have been at a club.


"Kelsey, is that you?" He wasn't shouting anymore.

"Yeah, it's me. God, I'm so glad this is still your number. I have a huge favor to ask you."

"Anything for you, love."

I told him my plan to make this all up to Niall. He loved it. He was going to take care of everything for me on their end, I just had to get to Italy.

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