Chapter 17

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Niall's POV

As soon as we finished "Little Things" and took a bow I jumped off the front of the stage to where Kelsey was. I wanted to make sure she got backstage safely.

"You didn't have to come down here Niall, I could have just met you by the buses." She was having trouble with her crutches. I wasn't sure if she was tired or what but she was a little wobbly. I stopped her and put my one arm around her back and the other below her knees and picked her up bridal style. Lou took her crutches quick before they fell.

"Niall Horan, what the hell are you doing?" She laughed as she wrapped her arms around my next.

"It will be much faster if I carry you, plus you look exhausted. Just let me take care of you." Tons of fans had gathered by the barricades in the front row and were taking pictures of us. Kelsey didn't seem to mind which was good. I got her backstage and carried her all the way to where our buses were waiting for us. I took her onto mine and Zayn's bus. Harry, Louis and Liam shared another one. I put her down in one of the seats and sat next to her. She put her head on my shoulder and kept it there for a few minutes.

I took a really good look at her. She looked beautiful, but the accident had done some damage. Obviously she was in a cast that covered most of her leg. She had a small scar on her forehead which I had noticed when I hugged her during the show. Also I noticed two scars on her right arm. They were longer than the one on her forehead.

I thought about the day of the accident. When I got there they wouldn't give us any information besides that she was in surgery. Hannah had tried to explain that her parents were in the states and that it was going to be at least a day until they got to the hospital. The doctors still wouldn't tell us anything. Later in the afternoon we were sitting in the hallway and we saw here being wheeled into one of the rooms. She was hooked up to a ventilator, there were wires all over her that were connected to multiple machines. Her head was wrapped in a bandage, she had a cast on her arm and leg. She was covered in cuts from the glass I assumed. I stood there looking at her for a minute and I thought to myself that I was going to lose her. I thought there was no chance she was going to make it through the night. After I had left I waited each day to hear from Sean but I never did. I figured no news was good news. But now she was here, she was with me and I was never going to let anything happen to her again. I started to cry.

"Niall, what's wrong babe?" She put her hand on my cheek and stared to wipe the tears away.

Zayn walked onto the bus and saw us.

"Sorry guys, I'm just grabbing my iPad and then I'm going to the other bus." He ran past us, got his iPad off his bed and ran back out.

"I just can't believe you're here. When I left the hospital I thought I'd never see you again. I just didn't think...I just...god I don't even want to say it." I put my head in my hands.

"You thought I was gonna die didn't you? I don't blame you, I saw pictures of me from those first few days, I didn't even recognize myself."

"I wouldn't have survived if you died Kelsey. I lost it in the hospital. I was yelling at everyone, crying all the time. I punched a wall and broke two fingers. I did not handle it well. I'm so happy you're here with me. Thank you for surprising me."

"I talked to Sean as soon as I got off the phone with you the other night and he told me everything. He lied about it all just so you would leave, he was jealous of you. I slapped him across the face and told him to get out and he flipped out on me. Told me I didn't deserve you or to be happy, said I was selfish. It really messed with my head and that's why I didn't call you that night or answer the next day but when I finally listened to your messages I realized I couldn't lose you again, that's something I wouldn't have survived." She took my hand and held it tight.

"Well we're together now and that's what matters. We'll be on the bus all night so do you want to get some sleep?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty exhausted." I picked her up and brought her to the back of the bus. There was a huge bed in the back with a tv. I put her on the bed and helped her get her shoe off.

"Do you want some clothes to sleep in? I can give you a shirt and sweatpants."

"I'm okay with what's on under my clothes if that's okay with you."

"Yeah that's fine with me." I helped her take her shorts off. She was wearing black lace panties with a pink bow on her butt. She blushed when I looked but I couldn't help it. Next I helped her take off her tank top and underneath was a black lace bra. I noticed she had two more scars on her side. These were close to six inches long. She immediately covered them with her hand.

"Don't do that. Don't cover up any scar you have. You've been through hell Kelsey, you have nothing to be ashamed of." I took her hand in mine and leaned forward and kissed the scars on her side. She got goosebumps all over. Then I kissed both of the scars on her arm and the the one on her forehead. "You look beautiful Kelsey."

I stood back up and took off my shoes, shirt and jeans. All I had on were ye Calvin Klein boxer briefs. She put her hands on my chest and ran her fingertips down my stomach. My whole body was on fire. I pulled the covers back and got underneath them and then tucked her in. I pulled her close to me and whispered in her ear.

"You are the love of my life Kelsey." I kissed right behind her ear.

"I love you Niall. I'm never giving up on us again." She pulled my arms around her and laced our fingers together.

We both fell asleep, happier than we had been in two years. I was never letting her go.

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