Chapter 11

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Sean's POV

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ran over to her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked fine, but tired.

"When did we ever talk about getting married Sean?" She wouldn't look at me.

"You talked to Niall didn't you? I knew it, I knew you two had a past."

"Yeah, we had a past but you didn't answer my question."

"We've never talked about getting married."

"Then why the hell did you tell Niall we were planning to get married?" She finally looked at me, her eyes were filled with anger.

"I saw the way you were with him the night of the concert. Well really I noticed how he was with you. It looked like even being in your presence was painful for him. Then the entire concert you were just looking around the arena, I knew you were looking for him. I had planned to propose to you during "Kiss Me". I got freaked out since you didn't even speak to me the whole show. Then I decided that I would ask you when you came over that night like we had planned but you never showed up." She cut me off.

"Yeah I know. I went to Niall's. Nothing happened, we just talked about what had happened between us two years ago."

"Wow, well I didn't know that's why you didn't show. When I got the call from the hospital saying that you were in an accident I got there as fast as I could and when I walked in he was already there. He was yelling at the doctors and asking for information but no one would tell him anything. He was crying. I wasn't crying. I was worried about you and I was scared to get any news but I wasn't crying. I didn't know why, I just knew that I should be responding like he was and I wasn't. I got so pissed that he was there and that he had just walked back into your life like he never left. I didn't have a fucking shot next to a pop star. He's a millionaire and he's probably got a house on each continent and he could give you the world, and I couldn't."

She didn't say a word, she just stared at me.

"So the second night you were in the hospital Hannah had gone to pick your parents up at the airport at 4am. It was just Niall and I sitting outside your room. I took the ring I had gotten for you out of my pocket and just looked at it. I knew he would ask what it was, and he did. I told him that we had been talking about getting married for a while now and I had this big romantic proposal planned for the night before the accident but you didn't show up. He looked so upset. I told him that we had planned when we wanted to get married and where and who we wanted to invite. I don't know why I said it, I guess I just wanted him to know you were mine and that he didn't have a chance, even though I guess he did."

She looked at me for another few seconds and then slapped me across the face. I stood up, completely taken back and she stood up and pushed me in the chest with both her hands.

"Get out of my house. How dare you lie to him like that. He's the only person I've ever thought about marrying and you ruined it. You took advantage of me and the accident and you lied to someone that I love. You are disgusting." She kept pushing me back. Harder and harder.

"You're such a bitch, do you know that? I just wasted a year of my life on you. I hope that he never speaks to you again. I hope I scared him off for good!"

She stopped pushing me and just fell back onto her bed. I had never said anything so hurtful to anyone in my entire life. Hannah walked through the doorway and kneeled in front of her and asked her what was wrong. Kelsey whispered something to her that I couldn't hear and Hannah stood up and looked at me.

"You have 10 seconds to get out of this apartment or I am calling the police. I'm not screwing around with you, you need to get out and don't you dare come back." She was pointing to the doorway.

"You don't deserve me, do you hear me? You never did. You're nothing!" I shouted at Kelsey, she was still just frozen looking at the floor.

I walked down the stairs, out the door and slammed it behind me. I couldn't believe I had said those things but I couldn't believe that she had gone to another guys flat the night I was planning to propose. I promised myself that I would never shed a tear over her, she wasn't worth it.

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