Chapter 30

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Niall's POV

It had been an insane 7 months since the wedding. Kelsey moved to London two days after the wedding. She fell in love with the city. The band was really busy. We released our album in July, it went straight to number one is over 40 countries. It was January and we were preparing for our world area tour that was starting in February. We has a full schedule in January but since the baby was due January 5th the boys were going to do all the interviews and go to the events with out me so I could be there for Kelsey. There was no way I was going to miss the birth of our child. We were 2 days away for the due date.

"Niall, I'm freaking out a little."

"Why baby?" I walked over and sat next to her on the couch and rubbed her belly. She said that calmed the baby down.

"I'm just worried about doing this all on my own when you have to leave."

"I know and I hate that I have to leave you and I'm sure that when I set eyes on our baby it's going to be even harder to leave but I know how amazing you are with kids and you're going to be the best mom ever."

"Thanks Ni. So we're 100% on the names we picked right?"

"Definitely! Oliver James Horan if it's a boy and Sophia Grace Horan if its a girl. Are you hoping for either?"

"Part of me would love to have a little girl because I know she would be a little daddy's girl and you would be so protective of her but I've always wanted to have a boy first so if down the line I did have a girl he could always protect this little sister."

"As long as we have a healthy baby, I'll be happy." I kissed her forehead told her to lay down on my lap. She laid down on the couch and put her head in my lap. It was funny to see her laying down. She literally didn't gain a pound anywhere but her belly. She was still so small but had this huge belly. She fell asleep,for a little while and I just watched her. All of a sudden she woke up and sat straight up.

"Shit, something is wrong. Oh my god, Niall something isn't right."

"What do you mean?"

"My stomach, I'm having shooting pains. We need to go to the hospital. Pleaseee." She was sobbing at this point and grabbing her stomach.

"I'm gonna get your bag, stay here." I ran upstairs to get her bag for the hospital and then ran back down and helped her up. I walked her to the car, got her in and then jumped in and drove to the hospital as fast as I could.

They checked her in as soon as we got there. They said I had to wait about 15 minutes until I could go in and see her so I called her parents, my parents and the boys. Neither of our parents would be able to make it until tomorrow at the earliest but all the boys were coming to the hospital.

I went into Kelsey's room and the doctor was telling her that even though she was having pains nothing seemed to be wrong and the baby was not in distress. She was almost ready to push though.

"Niall I'm not ready. I can't do this. I can't be a mom."

"Breathe baby. Jesus, who would have though I would be the calm one. You're going to be an amazing mom, I just know it." I held her hand and she squeezed it so tight I was almost positive there were broken bones.

"Thanks Niall." She smiled weakly.

After about 10 minutes the doctor came in again and checked Kelsey out.

"Okay Kelsey, this is it. Are you ready to push?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

I stood up right next to her and gave her my hand. This was it. In a matter of minutes we were going to meet out baby.

"Okay Kelsey, push for me."

Kelsey pushed and then took a break, then pushed again. The doctor told her it would only take two more times and the baby would be here. She pushed once more and then looked at me and started crying. I kissed her forehead and the she pushed one final time and I heard crying. I lost it. Kelsey laid back on the bed, she looked exhausted. I saw the doctors take the baby really quickly to a small table. I walked over to see the baby, it was a boy. Oliver James Horan.

"Baby, it's a boy!" I said to her, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"It is? How does he look?"

"Perfect baby."

"Sir, do you want to hold him?" the nurse asked.


The nurse put a tiny blue hat on his head and wrapped him up in a blanket. She picked him up and placed him in my arms.He wiggled around and opened his eyes, they were blue, just like mine and he had a little bit of blonde hair on his head. He had Kelsey's nose and mouth though. I walked over to Kelsey and gave Oliver to her.

"Oh my god Niall, he really is perfect." She kissed his little forehead and his hands, they were so tiny. We just stared at home for what seemed like forever.

"Sorry guys, I'm just going to have to take him for about 30 minutes. I promise as soon as we get everything we need we'll bring him back. Your friends are all here in the waiting room if you want to go talk to them sir. They can come back when we bring Oliver back in."

I looked at Kelsey and she nodded so I went out to see the boys. When I walked into the waiting room they all jumped up and ran over to me.

"It's a boy. He's amazing. He's got these gorgeous blue eyes and his mom's nose and mouth. He's perfect. They just took him for about half an hour and they said you guys could all come back when they brought him back to the room so if you want to grab coffee or something I'll come and get you when you can come meet him."

"Congratulations! Looks like we'll be calling you Daddy Direction instead of Liam now" Zayn said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm completely okay with that." I said. I hugged the other boys and then went back to Kelsey's room. She was asleep. I snuck in and kissed her forehead and sat in the chair next to the bed. I couldn't believe this had all happened. I had a son. An absolutely perfect son and the most amazing wife any man could ask for.

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