Chapter 14

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Kelsey's POV

Lou got to my room at 5. She had a small suitcase with her, I wasn't sure why.

"Hey! I'm Lou. Harry sent me to help you get ready. I'm honestly so happy I get to take a break from doing boys hair and makeup for one night." She was so bubbly and happy.

"Well, I need all the help I can get now so I'm glad you're here."

"Trust me sweetie, you don't need much help. You look beautiful even in pajamas." Crap, I forgot to change.

"Thanks. So where do you want me?"

"Bathroom is good." I followed her in. She opened her case and it was filled with everything you could possibly need to do your hair and tons of makeup.

"Alright, I'm just going to curl your hair a little bit and then we'll put some makeup on you. Soooo tell me about how you met Niall."

"It was two years ago actually. I was in the front row at one of their shows in Dublin and he asked me to come backstage. We spent the next day together too and fell for each other right away. Then he was set to leave and I just told him I didn't think I could handle being apart. I wasn't strong enough. It was the worst two years of my life. And then we ran into each other amount three weeks ago and realized nothing had changed, we still wanted to be with each other. Then I got hit by a truck and that threw a wrench in our plan." She cracked up.

"I've been with the boys since the beginning pretty much. They've all dated girls, all of them expect Niall. I always worried about him honestly. He is such a sweet guy but he's insecure. I wasn't sure if he just didn't feel like he was worthy of any of the girls he may be interested in but now that you tell me this, it all makes sense. He was just waiting for you all this time." She had finished my hair and now she was moving on to my makeup.

"I hope he is happy that I'm here. He sounded really hurt in his last message." I was so nervous that he wouldn't want to be with me after what I had put him through again.

"This is a grand gesture and its going to mean a lot to him. He's a romantic at heart and this is going to be a perfect way to surprise him. I can't wait to see his face." She was finishing up my make up. "Do you want me to try and cover up your scar, or no?"

I wasn't sure honestly.

"It looks horrible, I look horrible. I guess cover it up if you can." The make up she had done looked amazing. She had done a slightly smokey eye and my cheeks looked really pink. She put bright pink lip gloss on my lips and it made them look so good. But then all I saw was the scar.

"It doesn't look horrible. You can barely see it. I'm not covering it up. You look beautiful! Now let's find you something to wear."

Since my cast was up to my thigh I was limited to dresses, shorts and sweatpants. Obviously sweatpants were not a choice so Lou looked at my dresses, shorts and tops. She picked out my favorite pair of cut off jean shorts and a baggy white tank top that has a black heart on the front. She took my black lace bra out of my drawer and put it all on the bed for me. She helped me get changed. I looked in the mirror when I was done and I was actually happy about what I saw. My leg looked great in the shorts, the cast was going to show no matter what. I was tan and you could see a bit of the black lace bra on the sides. It was sexy, but not TOO sexy. Lou slipped on my black converse and tied it for me.

"Alright Cinderella, you ready?" She had a huge smile on her face.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Truthfully, I was scared out of my mind.

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