Chapter 35

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Kelsey's POV

"Hannah, I'm in the hospital." I'm surprised she could even understand me through all the tears.

"What the hell happened? Are you okay?!" She asked, clearly upset by my news.

"It's Oliver. I went in his room to check on him before I went to sleep and he was having a hard time breathing. I called an ambulance and I'm here now just waiting."

"Have they given you any information?"

"No, we only got here 10 minutes ago. They took him right away and wouldn't let me go with him. I've been trying to call Niall non stop since I called the ambulance and his god damn phone just keeps going to voicemail and it's full. I'm in fucking London by myself, waiting to hear if there is something wrong with our baby and he's got his fucking phone turned off."

"Kelsey, you need to breathe. Just take a deep breath. Did he have a show tonight? Because if he did you know he'll check his phone as soon as he's done."

"They did have a show but it's over by now I'm sure and he was supposed to call me when he was done because I was supposed to leave with Oliver in the morning to meet him in Paris."

"I'm sure he will call you. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?"

"No, I should probably call my family and his family and then maybe I'll try one of the other boys. Jesus Hannah, what if he dies?"

"Don't you dare think like that! He is going to be fine you hear me Kelsey?"

"Yeah, I hear you." Trouble was, I didn't believe her.

Niall's POV

I woke up and looked at my phone and saw it was off. I forgot that I had turned it off after the show before the boys and I went out for the night. We went to dinner and then a club in Paris. It was amazing.

When I turned my phone on I had over 45 missed calls. Some were from Kelsey, some were from my brother and my mom. What the fuck? I called Kelsey back first. She answered after one ring.

"What the fuck happened to you last night?"

"I totally forgot to turn my phone on after the show. The boys and I went to dinner and then went out in Paris. What's wrong? Are you not coming today?"

"I'm so glad you had fun. Want to know how I spent my night last night? In the god damn hospital with our son!"

"WHAT?! What happened?" I was wide awake now.

"I checked on him last night and he was having trouble breathing so I brought him to the hospital. He has pneumonia Niall." She went from angry to heartbroken in less than a second. Now all I heard was were sobbing on the other end of the line.

"What's going on with him right now?"

"They are monitoring him. They took blood last night, it was literally the hardest thing to watch. He was crying so hard." So was she right now. "He's getting fluids and antibiotics through an IV. The nurses are suctioning his nose regularly and keeping an eye on his blood oxygen levels. He has a nasal oxygen mask on to help him breath."

"I can't believe this. I'm so sorry I didn't have my phone on last night. Of all the fucking nights to have my phone off." I got out of bed and was on my way to Paul's room. I needed to get home as soon as possible.

"I'm here all alone. I didn't know what to do last night Niall. Once we got to the hospital in the ambulance they just took him and it was over an hour before they told me anything. I called your parents and brother, your mom and Greg were taking an early flight this morning to get here. I told my parents not to come for now."

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