Chapter 25

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Kelsey's POV

I had been feeling sick the past few days. Working with children on a daily basis caused me to be sick pretty often but this was a pretty bad stomach bug. I was supposed to leave Thursday night to see Niall in London and it was Tuesday so I took the rest of the week off to make sure I got better before I had to leave.

I spent the day in bed and was feeling better in the afternoon. I decided to go out to dinner with Hannah since I hadn't eaten all day. We got to the restaurant and I just ordered some soup.

"I'll be right back, it's that time of the month." Hannah rolled her eyes, grabbed her bag and went to the bathroom.

I sat there for a second and then realized that it had been a while since I had had my period. Usually I got mine two weeks before Hannah did. I hadn't had it since before Niall left for London the first time. Wait, holy shit. I started to panic. Hannah came back to the table.

"We need to leave."

"What's the matter Kels?"

"We just need to go. I need to go to the store. We need to go." I stood up and ran out of the restaurant. There was a drugstore a couple buildings down and I ran in. Hannah was right behind me.

"What the hell is going on Kelsey?"

I stood in front of the pregnancy tests and it clicked for her.

"What am I gonna do?" I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, Hannah stood right next to me and rubbed my back.

"We just need to get a few tests, take them home and just see. How long have you thought this?"

"Just a few minutes ago. It's been almost two months since my period and I've been feeling terrible recently." I picked out two different tests and walked to the check out.

"We'll figure this out. It will be okay."

We went back to the apartment and I went right into my bathroom. Hannah was waiting in my bedroom. I took the first test. It said I had to wait three minutes. I spent those three minutes sitting on my bathroom floor crying. How could this be happening?

It was positive when I looked at it. Shit.

I walked out into my room and sat down next to Hannah and just nodded my head. She hugged me and I just sat there and cried.

"Kels, why are you so upset? You've always wanted a family and I know that you want that with Niall."

"You honestly think he's going to think this is a good thing? He's 21 years old and I'm only 24! He's on the road 11 months out of the year and his career is based on how much girls love him. You think they're still going to love him when he's got a god damn baby? He's gonna leave me, his management team is going to make him leave me. There's no way they'll let him do this. It's going to fuck up his entire career." I was sobbing.

"Kelsey, stop. Niall adores you and he wants to be with you. He would NEVER leave you or your child and you know that."

I knew she was right. I knew that he wouldn't leave me or our child but I also don't think that he would be happy about this. I didn't want to call him and tell him, I knew this was something I needed to tell him face to face. It was going to be a really long two days.

Niall's POV

I hadn't heard from Kelsey at all on Wednesday. Usually she text me in the morning but she never did. I had talked to her Tuesday afternoon before we got on the plane to go back to London, we were in Mexico. She had been sick but she was feeling a little better. It was 2 in the afternoon on Wednesday though now and she still hadn't messaged me. That wasn't like her. I decided to text her.

Hey Baby. Hope you're feeling better. I'm free until 6 tonight so call me if you're feeling up to it.

She never responded. I was starting to freak out a little. I decided to text Hannah just to make sure she wasn't hurt or anything.

Hey Hannah, it's' Niall. I text Kels earlier but haven't heard back, I just want to make sure she's okay.

She replied a few minutes later...

She's alright. She just isn't feeling good and she's been sleeping on and off all day. She probably just hasn't looked at her phone. I'll tell her you were asking about her.

I hope she was right. I hope that I hadn't done anything or she wasn't changing her mind about coming to London tomorrow. Thank god we had an interview to go to tonight because I would drive myself insane sitting here thinking about what was going on.

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