Chapter 24

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Niall's POV

I had told Kelsey that I was going to fly into Dublin at 9 on Friday night but I wanted surprise her so I took an earlier flight. I landed at 10am and knew that she would be at work so I decided to surprise her there. When I got to the school the receptionist at the front told me that she was in a classroom. She told me that Kelsey had been talking about me ever since she got back and that she was going to be so excited to see me. She pointed out the classroom she was in and told me I could go right in.

I walked up to the door and looked through the small window. There were about 15 kids in the classroom. They were all sitting at small tables throughout the room doing different things. Kelsey was sitting at one of the little tables helping some of the kids write. She looked so adorable. She had jeans on with black flats. She had a forest green and navy blue plaid button up on and her hair was in a braid off to the side. She glanced in my direction but didn't see me, she had a small amount of white paint on her cheek. She looked so happy. I opened the door and walked in.

Kelsey's POV

"WHAT?!" I shouted when I looked at the door and saw Niall standing there. I jumped up and ran towards him and hugged him. He held me so tight. I looked back and all the kids were staring at us.

"'Miss O'Brien, who's that man?" one of the little boys asked.

"Well Liam, this is my friend Niall. Would you all like to meet him?"

All the kids hopped out of their seats and crowded around us. They were all asking a million questions and then I saw a few of the girls whispering to each other in the back of the group.

"Emily, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Is he the boy from One Direction? My sister lovessssss him." She was giggling.

"It is Emily. You'll have to tell your sister you met him today."

I had all the kids go back to their tables and Niall came and sat down with me. He was talking to the kids as they worked on writing their names. He helped one of the boys write an N for Nathan. He was great with kids. I had seen him interact with John a little bit but that was it. He jumped right in with the kids in the classroom and ended up moving from table to table playing with clay at one group and building with blocks at another. All of the kids took to him right away. They would get out of their seats to stand next to him and play. The boys wanted to be just like him and all the girls had adorable little crushes on him.

We went outside to play and he played football with all of them in the yard. He taught them how to kick the ball and how to dribble. They all were completely mesmerized by him and I caught myself being mesmerize by his as well. I never thought I could love him more than I already did but seeing him with all the students made me fall even harder for him. When the kids were getting picked up he talked to any of the parents who wanted a minute with him. They loved him too. More than half the kids asked Niall if he would be back next week and he said he would try his hardest to come back and visit soon.

I was cleaning up the room after all the kids had left for the day. Niall came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. My whole body tingled.

"You are an amazing teacher Miss. O'Brien." I turned around to face him and put my arms around his neck. "Do you know you've had paint on your cheek all day?"

"Noooo! Why didn't you tell me? That embarrassing!" I got a wet paper towel and started to rub it on my cheek. He took it from my hand and gently wiped the paint off.

"God I love you so much. I'm so happy we get to spend the weekend together. I got a hotel room for the weekend because I just walked to be alone with you if that's okay."

"Yeah sure. I'll just have to get some stuff from my place before we head there. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." He took my hand and led me out of the room. We stopped in each of the classrooms and said goodbye to the other teachers, they all turned bright red when Niall said goodbye to them.

We stopped at my place and I picked up a few outfits and anything else I'd need and then we decided to go to Nando's for dinner.

"Technically it's where we had out first date." Niall said.

"I was so nervous that night. I liked you so much right away but I definitely didn't think it was a mutual thing "

"Are you kidding? I spotted you in the front row and it was so hard to focus the rest of the show. I just wanted to talk to you. I had never asked security to get someone out of the crowd for me but I couldn't take the chance of never seeing you again without knowing more about you."

"We've definitely come a long way that's for sure." I took his hand and kissed it. We parked the car and went into Nando's. It was busy but they put us in a fairly private area. They all knew Niall there. I wasn't sure if it was because he was such a big fan of Nando's and went there a lot or if it was because he was in One Direction. We had a great dinner and then headed back to the hotel room.

We didn't leave the hotel room for two days until it was time for Niall to go to the airport again to go back to London. This goodbye was easier because I knew I was going to see him in two weeks. I was going to London to see him for the weekend. They had a show at the 02 and they had a benefit that he wanted me to attend with him. It was still hard to say goodbye to him but we were stronger than ever.

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