Chapter 15

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Niall's POV

We were backstage getting changed for the second half of the show. We were playing at Verona Arena which is literally one of the most beautiful places we've ever played. We played here during our Take Me Home tour and it was one of the best crowds we ever had. Tonight was no different but I wasn't enjoying it. I couldn't get over the fact that Kelsey had just decided to give up on us again. Whatever Sean said to her must have changed her mind about us.

We walked back on stage and sat at the very front. The music for "Last First Kiss" began to play. Liam started singing. Harry kept looking at our management team in the front row. It was odd. He gave them a thumbs up. I think I was the only one who noticed. We finished singing the first chorus and then it was my solo. As soon as I started singing there was a second spotlight but this one was in the crowd. I kept singing and looked out towards the spotlight and that's when I saw her.

Kelsey was standing towards the back in front of the tents where the sound guys were. Lou was standing next to her. She was holding a sign above her head that said "I Love You Niall" and she was smiling from ear to ear. I looked at Harry, he obviously knew about this all along.

"Go onnnnn!" He shouted to me. I looked out at her again, almost everyone's heads were turned so they could see who the spotlight was on and who were were looking at. I jumped off the stage and ran down the center aisle as fast as I could. I couldn't believe I made it all the way to her with out getting mobbed by a bunch of girls but I think they were all just in shock like I was. When I reached her I hugged her as tight as I possibly could. She burried her face in my neck and dropped her crutches when she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I honestly couldn't believe she was even here. There was a moment in the hospital where I thought I would lose her forever. The doctors weren't telling us anything and she looked like she was in such bad shape. Here she was though, looking so incredibly beautiful, cast and all. I pulled back, she still had her arms around my neck to keep herself stable. I cupped her cheeks in my hands and kissed her in front of 15,000 fans. I could feel tears streaming down her cheeks, and the realized I was crying as well. She had come all this way for me, after all she had been through and it finally felt like she and I had a real chance. I kissed her cheek, then her forehead and the tip of her nose. I wiped away the tears on her cheeks with my thumbs and she did the same for me.

I looked back towards the stage and all the boys were watching us, along with the entire crowd. Both big screens had a shot of the two of us. I saw her reach up to cover the scar on her forehead and I grabbed her hand before she could reach it. I kissed her one more time.

"You stay here. Don't you dare leave me. I have a show to finish." I kissed her cheek quickly and ran back to the stage. This time I was surrounded by security because girls were trying to get to me. I made me way back onto the stage and hugged Harry. I could never thank him enough for getting her here safely.

"Alright Verona, are you ready to hear our next song!?" Louis shouted into his microphone.

The crowd erupted. I couldn't take my eyes off her. With out the spotlight on her I could just barely see her, but I knew she was there. I knew she wasn't going to leave me this time. I knew that it was time for me to leave the past in the past and look forward to the future Kelsey and I had ahead of us.

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