September 2011

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09-02-11 September 2nd,2011

I told Dad about what has happened. He told Mary and she happily supplied me with items I'm going to need. This is so humiliating

09-04-11 September 4th,2011

I went school shopping with Dad, and Mary. Dad was complaining the whole time, telling me to hurry up and that I'm too slow at choosing clothes and trying them on. He's so impatient! I got two pairs of jeans, four shirts and a sweatshirt. I got a packpack and Mary gave me supplies that she already had. The only thing Mom got me was a lunchbag. 

I am so nervous to go back to school on Tuesday!

09-05-11 September 5th, 2011

Yikes, school is tomorrow! I don't know whether to be nervous or happy! Mrs.Dubeck, the grade eight teacher we're going to have, hates me so that is going to be tough. Every year of my life, I've had grade eights bully me and now that will be over because I'm in grade eight now! I'm at the top of the school. Also we grade eights get to sit at the top steps at assemblies. I can't wait to see everyone again .

 09-17-11 September 17th, 2011

Wow, I haven't updated this since before school started! Not much has happened anyway. School is going okay, I guess. Believe it or not, I haven't been late for school yet. This is a personal best record for days I haven't missed..

  The teacher, Mrs.Dubeck, is alright. I understand things she teaches better than I did with Mrs.Esponito. She's gotten angry a few times and it's a bit..startling. Ha-ha.

    A girl in the class, Alex,  and me, created an anonymous identity called "Z". It was supposed to be a fun "play-on" Pretty Little Liars thing. We targeted Tania and started "blackmailing" her for fun. I got my cell phone taken away and the rest of the class angry. Most of them forgave us, I think. It was really meant to be a harmless joke. 

    Oh, and I had a meeting with a shrink, Dr.Templeman through a TV screen. It was so weird and awkward. He asked me loads of questions about family, friends, behaviours and school. After the session, he said I could possibly fit the diagnostic criteria for APD. 

   Aaliyah became my friend again, surprisingly! It would have never happened if not for a website,, where I had to do strange rituals everyday in order for it to work. It works by typing your wish, then visiting the page everyday, and writing your wish on paper that you keep with you at all times, and hold it in front of a mirror at 11:11 every day repeating your wish 8 times. It sounds so silly but it worked! 

  And another weird thing is, shortly after making the wish, I've progressively improved, emotionally. I have been eating normal and not caring about my weight anymore, I've been controlling my anger better, I haven't cut myself in a while, and I feel way more mentally ..stable!

 It's chocolate fundraiser season at school, lol. Nestle chocolate bars. To be honest, I've been eating some and not paying! I don't know how I'm going to pay it back, and I hope I don't get in trouble!

 I'm going to Dad's today for the weekend. 

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