Taking you to meet the Gang-Dally and Johnny

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You were nervous as the two of you walked to the house. Today was the day....
He had his arm around you, "you nervous babe?"
"Well duh they're basically your family." You said nervously.
"Come on they'll love ya." He took out his cancer stick and lit it.

The two of you finally got to the door. He walked in and you followed.
All of them were on the couch and the only people you recongnized was Johnny and Ponyboy since you had P.E with them.

"This the beauty you've been talkin about?" Asked this guy with some grease in his face.
"Yep this is (Y/N)." Said Dally as he lightly moved you forward.

"H-Hi..." You said quietly.
The biggest guy there stood up and put an arm on your shoulder.
"Im Darry, welcome to the family." He said.

You blushed a deep red as everyone introduced themselves around the room.

Maybe they do like you....

Johnny and you were sitting in the lot during a hot afternoon. You've been dating for a month, but it was like you guys have been in love for years. He was looking off into the distance.

"Something wrong JohnnyCake?" You whispered in his ear. He suddenly stood up and smiled.

"Come with me, i have a surprise my darling." He said. You got up.

"Alright it better not be a prank like last time!" You yelled jokingly. He chuckled and the two of you started walking.

We made it to this cute house in a rundown neighborhood.

There were a few guys playing in front of the yard.

"Johnny! Who's this hot babe you got?" A guy asked him.
He shook his head as you got closer.

"(y/N) this is Steve, Keith call him Two-Bitt, Dally, Ponyboy, Soda and Darry is at work... Guys this is my girl."
He leaned over and kissed your lips, you felt sparks and kissed back.

"Johnny finally got himself a girl." Said the Dally guy. I pulled back to see everyone smiling.

Everything was perfect.

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