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Your mom forced you to go get some groceries from the store. It was dark, cold and you were a bit scared. This car has been following you for a while and you didn't bring a blade with you.

The red car suddenly zoomed up. There were only three socs, but one of you.

"Hey sweetheart." One of them said. You ignored them and kept walking.

"You gonna respond to us bitch?" Asked the other one.

You were almost shaking and really freaked out.

"Thats it ge-"
Someone wrapped their arm around your waist.

"Hey baby you okay?"
You turned to see Steve, you knew him from the DX.

"Yeah baby im alright." You kissed his lips lightly then leaned into his arms.

"These guys giving you a problem?" Asked Steve as he looked at them. He took out his switchblade.

The car immediately drove off.

When they were out of sight you let out a breath.

"Thank you i would've been a goner." You said to him.

He ran his hands through his greasy hair and chuckled.
"No problem i wouldn't want a cutie like you gettin hurt." Said Steve. You rolled your eyes.

You shivered as a gust of wind hit you.
"Here take my jacket, ill walk you to wherever your going." He handed you his leather jacket.

"Thanks but i think i got it from here." You said. He put your arm around your shoulder. "Nah its alright i sort of like pretending to be your boyfriend." He said causing you to blush.

Steve then walked you to the store then home, but not before you gave him a goodnight kiss.

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