*Requested* Jailed: Ponyboy

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Requests are most of the time open so...
This is my second request and it's for *dramatic noises* @KatieWeasley394

    I was in this music store, it just opened and i couldn't wait to listen to the tuff music that was in here. I was the only one in here-

I take that back,a few boys walked in so i wasn't completely alone. Most of them were buff with tuff looking leather jackets and ripped jeans. The only two i recognized was Johnny and Ponyboy Curtis. Johnny was the usual tan dark hair teenage boy you saw once in a while, but Ponyboy was on your mind most of the time.

I blushed and immediately looked back to the Cd's, nervously moving my short blonde hair behind my ear.

Most of my friends don't like greasers but i found them pretty cute, Especially my life long crush Ponyboy Curtis.

"Katie, From English right?" I heard Ponyboy ask a few feet behind me. I turned around, but before i could speak one of his friends interrupted.
"Don't talk that bitch she's a soc." Dally yelled from across the store. I looked at Pony as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't listen to em he just can't handle when i talk to the prettiest girl in town instead of him." Said Ponyboy with a grin. My heart skipped a beat and i almost fainted.

"T-thanks pony." I nervously said.
Before he could do anything else there was a loud crash. Pony and i both turned around and saw all the stands falling over like dominoes.

Johnny and everyone else all watched it fall until the last one hit the window. It shattered to pieces.

Everyone looked at each other as the alarm began to blare.

"I- it was an a-accident!" Johnny said.
"If they see Ponyboy here they'll take em away to a foster home!" Soda yelled at Dally.

"Go!" I suddenly said. The police would arrest them, just because the're greasers....

"Really you could get in major trouble." Said Pony.

"Yeah of course it's fine just hurry up and go." You said.

"Katie i owe you so much thank you beautiful..." He said as then hugged me.

"Hurry guys!" The guys started running out the door. Pony left but not before giving me a wink.

A police car immediately came right after.
Luckily i got off with a warning: be careful next time you might get hurt

Hopefully Ponyboy made it home safely.

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