Prefrences: Their favorite Memory With You

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When the two of you got stuck on top of the Farias Wheel for an hour. He loved how you grabbed on next to him for comfort as they tried to get everyone down

The first time you punched him.
Thats when he knew that even if he wasn't around you could put up a fight and protect yourself

When you and him went on your first date. The two of you snuck into the movies and held hands the whole time. Thats when he started to slowly fall in love with you.

When the two of you were singing kareoke at his house with the gang. Ponyboy couldn't sing well but he was surprised by your beautiful voice.
(And he likes to fall asleep to your singing)

The first time Johnny snuck into your room was the first time he kissed you.
You were reading a book and the window suddenly opened.
The smile on your face made his eyes light up as he went over and kissed your lips.

When you broke up with your boyfriend of 5 months, thats when he confused how he liked you a lot then proceeded to give you a box of chocolate he actually bought.

When you bought your first apartment the two of you immediately sat down and watched a movie. He had his arm around you and you were laying on his chest. He realized that you were going to be his for a long time.

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