Ponyboy- The first time you smiled at him and he fell apart

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At first you were just a regular greaser girl who just fit in with the group. You weren't special or anything, with average (h/c) hair and decent (e/c) eyes. You only really talked to Johnny and Steve so he never really saw you smile
It was on Christmas when the two of you were exchanging presents.

The whole gang was there opening up their presents from their secret santa. Since everyone was too broke to get presents for 7 different people they had decided to pick names from a hat.

Ponyboy walked over to you and tapped on your shoulder.
You turned around and gave him a grin.
"You you're my secret santa?" You asked.
Ponyboy just shrugged and gave you a small wrapped present.

You opened it and saw a book. Your eyes lit up and you had the biggest smile he's ever seen.

"Awe thanks Ponyboy!" You explained as you wrapped your arms around him.

When you pulled back he was blushing and stuttering.
"N-no problem." Pony said as his face turned red and he started sweating a bit.

"Awe Pony has a crush on (your name)!" Shouted Sodapop.

"Shut up I dont!" Pony yelled back.

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