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So i decided, just for the heck of it to makeanother for soccer_blonde12 since the first one was so short
// and usually i'll do one request a week if i have enough people because im one of those people who despise reading other peoples request (I STILL LOVE THEM BUT FOR ME ITS UGH) so yea

(This is probably like 3 weeks after the soccer thing)
Jordyn had decided to go on a walk, since her best friend decided to ditch her at The DX to get drunk or somethings. As she walked there was a sudden crunch behind her.

Soc... She immediately thought as she reached into her jean pocket.
She turned around to see Johnny Cade. He smiled.

"Hey greaser." He said smoothly. Jordyn smiled back feeling embarrassed.
"I could've killed you." Said Jordyn. He smiled. "I- its no big deal doll." Johnny replied.

They were now side my side.
"Where ya headin?" He asked as the two of you walked.

"Home before sunset of course." She said while shivering a bit.

"Ya want my jacket?" Asked Johnny. Jordyn  blushed a deep red and nodded.
He immediately took off the leather jacket and handed it to you.

Right after Johnny took out a cancer stick and started smoking.

"So this is where ya live?" He asked Jordyn.
"Yea...well i have to go now thanks for walking me." Jordyn said slowly, making sure she didn't make a fool out of herself.

"Anything for a pretty blonde like yourself." He suddenly leaned down and kissed her cheek. The two were blushing.

"B-Bye!" Jordyn studdered.
"Tomorrow you see ya see you!" Johnny said before running away...

Jordyn quickly ran inside her house and replayed everything that happened

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