First Time Alone-Ponyboy

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"We're gonna go out,Ponyboy you stay here." Darry shouted from the otherside of the house as the boysgot ready.

You were bored and had decided to come to the Curtis's while Ponyboy was reading a book.

Ponyboy groaned and responded to him, "Yes Dar I got it!"

Sodapop came out of the kitchen and ruffled his brothers hair.
"We'll be back in two hours kid, (y/n) you're babysitting." Sodapop joked.

Minutes later the two brothers left and you were even more bored. You thought that it was going to be very awkward.

You looked over at Ponyboy and had decided to talk to talk to him.
"Whatcha readin?"
"Uhm Nobel House by James Clavell..." He said quietly.
You nodded your head and started paying attention to the tv.

It was so awkward since the twoof you have never been alone before.
Ponyboy got up and sat next to you on the couch.

"Hey can i ask ya something (Y/N)?" Asked Ponyboy.
"Yeah sure..." You said.
"Can you help me make a cake, for Darry and Sodapop don't ask why can ya j-"

"Yeah whatever im bored." You got up as he followed you to the kitchen.

The two of you took out all the stuff and started making the cake.

Ponyboy kept looking at you and smiling.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked, clearly very clueless.
"Other than those beautiful eyes of yours nope." Ponyboy said slyly.

You rolled you eyes and blushed a bit.

When the two of you finished you talked and waited for the cake to be done.
" So (Y/N) what are you doing next saturday night?" Ponyboy asked you.
You smiled, being alone with Ponyboy wasn'y as awkward as you thought it was.

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