First I Love you- Steve

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You and Steve were walking down the street going as quick as possible. There was a car of Socs driving a few feet behind you guys.
The car suddenly turned on it's headlights and came to a stop. Steve froze as around 5 of them came out of the car.

You took out the pocket knife he gave you as you stood in front of him. He was pretty shocked mostly because you're scared of socs, but this was the tenth time this month that your friends or yourself have almost gotten jumped.

"Stay behind me (Y/N)" Steve harshly whispered to you. They all started surrounding you two.

"What do you want?" Spat Steve.

"Shut the hell up you greaser trash!" Said one of the red headed socs.

Only two of them had pocket knifes but they were still dangerous.

Your heart was beating super fast as one of them smirked. You could tell he was the leader. "Pick one... One could go and one could leave..." He said.

Great they've never done this before.
"Ill stay." You said. Steven grabbed your hand. "Im not loosing you go get Johnny and them alright." He said.
You tried to argue but of course Steve won.

"I love you." He said then kissed your cheek.
"Love you too." You said. The socs grabbed you and pushed you onto the ground out of the circle.

You immediately ran to the Curtis's house as fast as you could trying to ignore the love of your life fighting off some socs.

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