*REQUESTED* Psh No-Sodapop

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KatieWeasley394 is literally my favorite person on wattpad right now.

It was 3:50, as Katie arrived at the DX, her usual time.

She went to the same old pump, the one closests to Sodapop.
Katie did the usual thing, pretend to be looking at merchandise to buy.

"Hey Katie, what a surprise to see you." Steve said with an annoyed sigh.
"Steve, hows everything?" Asked Katie.
He chuckled, "ill go call Sodapop to ring you up."

Steven dissappeared for a second, Sodapop showed.

"Hey!" Katie said nervously.
"Hi....hey can i ask ya something?" Soda asked.
She was suddenly nervous.
What the hell was he going to ask?
"Are you stalking me?"

Katie's pretty hazel eyes went wide.
"M-me i d-dont what a-are you ta-talking about?" She studdered out.

"Well you're here everyday....whenever im here and you literally don't buy anything half the time." Sodapop said with a nervous chuckle as he ran his hands through his black hair.

Katie went silent, turning red as she looked at her shoes.

Sodapop leaned forward on the counter and smiled.
"I mean i don't mind a pretty thing like you, i was just curious." Soda said flirtatiously.

Katie looked up and blushed even more.

"I-I have to go now." Mumbled Katie.
She shyly walked to her car.

"So you tomorrow Doll!" Yelled out Soda. 
Katie secretly smiled as she started driving away, happy that he called her pretty

(A/N I feel as if my writing is so dumb and ugh)


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