First Conversation:Johnny

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  (So i made this today after i finished my finals and the first copy was better but i feel a bit embarrassed about it and yeah)

Walking out of your house you felt the cold breeze hit your face. Of course, you had no other choice, it was either leave the house or stay with your drunk mom and abusive dad. It was around 1:00 the last time you checked.

Everywhere was quiet and dark, all you could hear was crickets, the sound of your footsteps and some voices.

It was dumb, but you decided to head that way.

After a few minutes you found two boys next to a fire talking to each other.

One was Dally Winston, everyone knew the bad boy of the town. There was another one: tan body, black hair and an adorable style.


That was his name. You guys went to the same school, you had P.E. Together.

"Hey Sweetie answer me!"
You didn't realize you were right in front of them.

You of course was really red.
"You alright doll?" Asked Johnny. You blushed and nodded.

"What are you doing out here?" Asked Dally, he had a switchblade in his hand. "You a soc?" Dally asked me.

You gulped. "Geez Dal you're scaring her... Here sit down." Johnny cut in. You went and sat next to Johnny, feeling your heart skip a beat as he smiled at you.

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