He Cheats-Dally and Sodapop

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Everyone had warned you, even Dallas Winston himself, but when you walked into Bucks all the way to his room you still didn't expect it to happen to you.
As you opened the door it's like the world had decided to kick you in the gut.
"(Y/N)" Dallas Said as he got off the broad.
Before he could get to you, you ran off holding in the tears.
No. Dally didn't deserve you tears.

You were walking to the DX to go visit your boyfriend Soda. You hadn't seen him in days and was eager to see him.

Once you entered the place you see Sodapop making out with some girl. He had his hands on her waist and looked like he was enjoying it.

Steve suddenly appeared from somewhere from the back and looked a bit guilty.
Sodapop and the girl still didn't notice your presence.
"Sodapop Curtis we're through!" You said. He suddenly opened his eyes and pushed the girl back.
"(Y-Y/N) i could-" he moved forward but Steve thankfully got inbetween the two of you.
"Steve could yo-you take me h-home?" You asked quietly. He nodded and took you home leaving the girl and broken hearted Sodapop alone.

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