Imagine: You Make Up Part 1

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Alright guys I GIVE A SPECIAL THANKS TO ih8alondra who made the Dally,Two-Bit,Ponyboy and Johnny part so part one is none of my original ideas, only ih8alondra's


You got home and ran upstairs to ur bedroom and immediately sobbed uncontrollably wishing you never witnessed what you saw, for what seemed like hours was only minutes you stopped and fell asleep on the floor.

 You woke up to someone banging on the door you got scared because your parents were out of town you got a pan and you were going to open the door.

You soon regretted it,you  saw him the guy who broke ur heart and trust you tried closing the door but he put his foot on the door to block it. 

 You said "Get out hood I don't want to see you!"

 "Let me explain!" Dally yelled as he attempted to get through the door.

"No!" You yelled to Dallas and got the pan and hit his foot with it.  You closed the door as he told you that  will not give up the relationship that easy.  He left, or so you thought and let go of the door then walked up the stairs.

A Few minutes later you suddenly heard someone singing your favorite song. You got up from your bed and opened your window,  seeing the one and only dally Winston singing with a guitar in his hands. You attmpted to hold back your tears, but you let them flow he saw the state your in and he cried to right in front of you. 

You were very surprised andcouldn't believe him. You went downstairs literally running and jumped up to him and clung on to each other for like hours which was really minutes.

Dally suddenly went on his knees.

"(Y/N)...I can't loose you, you're my everything. Im sorry for cheatin i won't do it again..." Dally begged. 

"If you ever d-do that again, t-then im leavin you for good Winston..." The two of you kissed and made up.


Matthews saw you stomp away so he tried to get the girl off of him off of him but she didn't budge. Two-bit pushed the girl off of him and ran in your direction, but couldn't find you. He decided togo get you a present and apologize.

Two-Bit got this pretty ring with one of your favorite cartoon characters, Minnie (or something else if you want) Mouse. He also got pizza from the place that you guys were suppose to go to that week. 

He quickly walked to your house which wasn't very far away. He quickly knocked on the door and you opened it. "(Y/N)..." Matthews looked at you and saw what a mess you were.  You were about to shut the door when he put his foot in to stop it. 

"Baby please it was all an accident i'm sorry, why would i cheat on ya?" asked Two-Bit. You couldn't forgive him... he was just saying that to get in your pants. 

"Please (Y/N/N) I even brought you this promise ring." You looked into his eyes and let out a sigh. You let him in and the two of you spent the rest of the day together.

Ponyboy: he finds out his that you have caught him and tries to get you back by writing a poem of how much the sun loved the moon so much and then gets up in the table and yells out how much he loves you and cares for you and you forgive him but as friends first to try to get his trust (hope this helps for the pony one)

Ponyboy took a week to find out, and only because Sodapop told him what you saw. You were hanging out  with Johnny during lunch because he had asked you to. 

"So what did you want to do now"You asked your friend. Johnny suddenly looked up and smiled. 

"I have to go goodluck!" Johnny suddenly got up and ran. 

"Goodluck with wh-" You suddenly saw Ponyboy walking towards you. You groaned as you stood up.

"(Y/N) wait i just wanted to say sorry..." Pony said softly. You slowly sat back down and decided to listen. He coughed and got out a piece of paper. He suddenly stood on top of the table. 

His poem consisted of how much he loved you till the moon and back, and how he will forever be yours. The whole cafeteria was looking at the two of you as you blushed and kissed his cheek.

Johnny: he doesn't eat or even do what he regularly does with the gang so then they tell you and start to worry about him but when you were heading to the lot he was about to commit suicide yelling that he will always love you but you save him right before he does and you both cry together and say I love your


When you went the DX Sodapop and Steve had begged you to go see Johnny. You were worried, apparently he hasn't been himself lately. You quickly jogged over to the lot to see if he was okay.  

hen you arrived you could see Johnny pacing the lot with a bottle of pills and a knife. You immediately yelled.

"Johnny! What are you doing!" You screamed at him. 

"You came back (Y/N) im so sorry..." Johnny said as a few tears went down his eyes. You immediately took the bottle and threw it a few feet away. "What were you thinking you idiot!"You yelled at him. 

"I was gonna kill myself you don't love me an-" "Johnny Cade i do love you... I'm sorry i love ya so much never do this to me." You begged. He pulled you into is arms as the two of you cried together.


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