Sparks Fly

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It was only after 6 and Brianna found herself giving in for rest. She was tired and she was making sure that everything was in the right font and there were no mistakes. The page said she had reached 4000 words and she was dying. Just a thousand more Bri! You can do it, she thought but the motivation was no help. Besides, she still had 2 hours left so she succumbed herself to rest laying her head on the table. 

Brianna was sure she felt real hands touching her face, smoothing over her hair and light brushes against her lips. But she wasn’t sure, when she opened her eyes no one was there. She must’ve been dreaming but the touch was so real and she hadn’t imagined that delicious tingle, again.


Brianna jolted awake. Her teacher was standing right in front of her again, the way he had in class, his crotch directly in front of her face. She, too, cleared her throat and stood up. She was uncomfortable sitting and staring up at him through her lashes. She felt as if doing that, she was bowing down to him and she wasn’t gonna give him that assurance. 

“Uhh sorry, I had...-” She started but he hadn’t let her finish.

“I take it you are done? Email it to me, now.”

She wasn’t finished! What was his problem and how can he just demand it like that? 

“I’m…I’m not finished as yet. I still need a thousand more words,” She explained.

“Then why were you sleeping in my class?”

“Class?”Bri started chuckling, “as far as I’m concerned, class finished 3 hours ago and it’s only after 9. Chillax dude.” She grinned. Realization hit her when he sat down and marvelled at the words she’d just spoken, “Shit! It’s only after 9!?”

“I see now you’ve gotten the picture,” He smirked, sitting and chillaxing in his leather seat around his desk, his fingers laced together at his chin, his ankle crossed over on his other knee. 

“Why hadn’t you woken me before?” She asked, confused.

“I found it enticing to watch you sleep,” He said with surprising boldness, not afraid of what she might say or think. His eyes darken slightly. 

Bri swallowed her gasp but it was still heard in a short, staccato version. He had liked the way he frightened her and the response was sudden in his pants. He wanted to do that again. 

“You, you watched me sleep?”

“Yes, you’re quite a beauty I must say, Ms.Comebat,” He smiles, “now, what shall I do with that smart mouth of yours, your misdemeanours?”

“Well,” She started, still blushing, “my mouth could use some holy water and what…-”

“Great,” He piped, “I have some stored in my mouth, would you like me to rinse it with yours?”

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