Spring Break

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The day went by fast, Ian still barking at employees to make sure I was treated right. I don't know why but it was nice to see him in action. It showed me that he really did care about me. I talked to my mom and asked her how she was holding up with the house and dad and Ian were really hitting it off talking about football and taking over the tv to watch games. Caitlyn apologized a billion times and i'm really tired of telling her that it's ok and I understand why she was mad.

"Sweetie get some rest, the doctor said you'd be out by tomorrow," mom said as she kissed me on my forehead.

"Is the patient asleep?" The doctor said entering the room.  

"No, but she's getting there," my dad said smiling at me.

The room was Caitlynless and Ianless.

"Ok, I'm a need you to sit up for me Brianna," the doc said as he sat at the edge of my bed. "I have to make sure that she is recovering just fine," he stated as he took out his mini flashlight thingy and asked me to follow the light.

I did as instructed but my head hurt a bit and I blinked a few times. The doctor sighed. Is something wrong? Did Caitlyn throw me that hard?

"As I expected, you are getting there," He smiled showing perfect white teeth. "Take these, it should help you get through the night but it lasts for 24 hours."

I took the tablets and reached for the water on the bedside table. My parents and the doctor were at the far end of the room in a hushed conversation. I'm not good at lip reading but I saw when my mom frowned and my dad reached over and rubbed her back comfortingly. Then surprising all of us she reached over and hugged the doc. He looked grateful and then he left without another word. What was that about....yarn. Hmm...I'm getting sleepyyyy. Yarn.... "good night mom, dad." and those were my last words before I fell into a deep and dark sleep.

I woke up before time and found myself in my classroom. I looked around. How did I get here? Most of the seats were filled out by my classmates and very softly Ian was teaching the class. Spring Break up already? Where did the time go? He caught me staring at him and smiled. Then he was on his way up to my desk. I looked up at him not expectantly and he reached over and ran his knuckles down my cheek. His hand was soft against my skin and I could feel my face heating up. Then suddenly, in front of everyone leaned down and kissed my lips. I pulled away hastily looking around the room.

All the eyes glaring at me in disgust. Oh no. Linda glared at me with a look saying you-skank-you-just-wanted-him-for-yourself. 

The others were saying you-whore and what-a-pathetic-little-bitch.

"No!" I pushed him away and he fell down, down, down into a black hole in the earth, the hurt in his eyes when I saw his last look before he was swallowed up. "Ian! NO. IAN!!"

I was being shook by very large, firm, soft hands. "Brianna, Brianna! It's ok, I'm here. I'm here." He's here? I opened my eyes and I was staring up at that handsome face and gorgeous grey eyes. Ian. Dream just a dream. I held my head and looked around. I was in a room. Not the hospital room but a room I was fully familiar with.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" Then I blushed because this was my old room when I used to live with my parents in Orlando. There were hearts and posters of boy bands and half naked sexy guys all over. Please get out and save me the trouble of this embarrassment. 

He smirked, "Nice room."

I sat up and blushed even further, "How did we get here?"

"Well, the pills you took earlier lasted for 24 hours, and your mother said you were gonna come visit her during Spring Break so after they checked you out, you were still sleeping by the way, they drove you here."

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