Another Admirer

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I am such a poor writer. I've been writing in the present for the last 2 chapters 😔. I'm sorry for those who are confused. I'll just continue in the present. Is that okay? Let me know!

I stand stock still at the end of the isle. My day dream was short lived when I see a feminine presence beside him. I was about to walk quickly past but it was too late. He must've seen me for he calls, "Brianna!"

I pause in my half step and turn towards him. I catch a glimpse of blonde hair behind me. I stiffen. I keep my cool and walk up to him putting on my best smile, "Mr. Somerhalder, hi."

Normally he would make up his face in disgust and correct me but all he could do was stare at me. The blonde clears her throat.

"Oh! This is my student, Brianna. Brianna this is my- um- friend, Rebekah."

I smile sweetly at her and although she doesn't seem quite pleased with the term 'friend' she returns my smile.
She has short, thick, dirty blonde hair cut in a bob. It fit her round face. She is much taller than me, I could tell, even though I am wearing heels and she has a sophisticated model look. I do not feel intimidated at all! [note sarcasm].

How could I have been so stupid? I think. Thinking he would've grabbed me like that and apologized and tell me he missed then show so much affection by kissing me in the middle of this pharmacy. I smack myself mentally for being so stupid. I never realized how badly I had wanted it to have happened...

"What are you doing here," he asks.

"I have as much right to be here as you," I reply coldly partly because he introduced me as his student. Really shows me how much he cares and he knew it. I could see the look in his eyes.

Rihanna- if that was even her name- held on to Ian's arm and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and she left the isle.

As soon as she left, his eyes raked all over me.

I roll my eyes and then remember how he feels about eye rolling. His expression darkens but he just bites his lip.

Something I want to do.

Great, just great. "How was your party?"

"Fantastic," I reply monotonously although it was anything but that.

"I know, I know," he starts. How could he possibly know but he continues, "I'm not with her-"

My throat itches, dear God. I remember why I had to let him go. What my mom had said. What I had told myself. I need a life, one that Ian is incapable of giving me.

In the most coldest voice I could manage I say, "I don't care."

He looks taken aback and I think it's hurt that I see mark his lovely features but it's gone as quickly as it had appeared.

"Don't you want to know why I'm here with her?"

"Why would I want to know that? You can do anything you want, Mr. Somerhalder."

"Ian! For fucking sake's, Brianna."

I brace myself and hold back tears. I must do this. No matter how much your heart is crumbling and how much you want to hug him and tell him you love him, you just can't Brianna.

"You are my teacher and I am your student and I don't see why we have to behave so unprofessionally," I lie.

He looks hurt now. And that's when he reaches out to me but I step back into a hard figure. Their arms encircle my shoulders and I spin into them. When I look up, Gideon has me in a hold.

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