I Am His

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"Post To Be" is on the radio and Ian is singing along to every word. I watch him, an amused smile on my face. Keeping his eye on the road he is oblivious to me staring at him.

I push the button on the radio to change the song and beam at his reaction. He reaches over and presses the back button and "Post To Be" starts all over again.

I groan and look away from him and out the window. We zoom past my apartment complex.

My head snaps in his direction, "what are you doing? I need to change."

When he ignores me I yell, "Ian!"

He laughs, "you look fine...literally."

"I can feel you stripping me with your bare eyes."

"Oh you know it, baby," he winks over at me and I blush crimson.

Darn him. I am wearing a pair of Maia's pants that fits me almost perfectly and his plain red hoodie. God I hope it doesn't smell like him because for sure someone will notice we smell the same.

Then again, I smell like him. I don't mind...no, not at all.

He pulls up outside the compound, and immediately I know there's a change in atmosphere. People are whispering, heads bent together talking amongst themselves.

As I walk along side with Ian towards the classroom I wonder idly if the whispering is about us. He's not touching me nor is he looking at me so it can't be. As I walk I collect bits of information thrown into the air.


"With the Head Mistress..."

"Security cameras..."

"So hot..."


I gasp upon hearing his last name. Coincidentally, and caught totally off guard, the Head Mistress of Miami School of Law who I've only ever seen twice since I've been here is having a heated conversation with none other than Gideon Starkweather.

He falters in his step when he sees me which causes the Head Mistress to stop and look up. Her eyes glance over me as if I'm not there but catches the eye of Ian.

Next thing I know, the four of us have formed a small square.

"Head Mistress Maricole," he says acknowledging her and only her.

I whisper my good morning to them both aware of Gideon boring a hole into my forehead.

"Mr. Somerhalder, what a pleasant greeting. This is Gideon Starkweather, CEO of Stark Commerce. He's giving me some input on installing cameras around the compound."

"I'm sure that's a good idea," Ian nods.

"Mr. Starkweather, meet Ian Somerhalder, one of my finest teachers here at Miami School of Law."

I can see him calculating the word "teacher" and I'm afraid he will say something but he does not. The men shake hands and Gideon murmurs, "pleasure."

The Head Mistress turns to me and her face is lined with curiosity and I'm suddenly aware that all the attention is on me.

"And who is she?" She asks directing her question at Ian.

Excuse me?

"I am Brianna Comebat," I say boldly. If she expels me then my life is done.

Gideon half smirks at me. I suppress my smile and look at her.

"Well hello to you Ms. Comebat," Gideon says charmingly and takes my hand placing a feather like kiss on the back of my hand.

I'm In Love With My TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now