Something For The Wait :)

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SCHOOL BREAKS AND MAKES ME. This is just a little paragraph for those who were patient enough to wait. Will write more soon! Thanks for the views and votes! Comment, Vote, Share and all that Fancy Junk!

Gideon walks in front of us with such smoothness and grace but I pay no attention to the sex appeal man in front of me for I am too stunned to think like a teenager right now. Beside me Aimee is bubbling like a school girl. She glances at me occasionally but I can't work up the nerve to speak. My throat feels dry even though my tongue is moist.

The music blares loudly and I can feel the energy surging through me. He holds the door open with that permanent smirk on his face and I walk in after Aimee. Since I am last before he closes the door, our eyes lock for a brief moment and they seemed to be dark, alive and dancing. I feel the urge to run now before it's too late but the goddess part within me is awake, after so long, and is looking for mischief. In so, I shoot a challenging glance his way and smirk as I take off my jacket and rest it in his waiting arms, my cleavage almost unnoticeable.

His smirk gets wider and he closes the door, but a few seconds after, it's open again because more people keep filing in.

"So," Aimee starts as she grooves to the beat, "I thought you were away?"

"I was," he says, his voice cool and collective, "but I never miss my sisters' party. Awesome opportunity to meet gorgeous women." His eyes move to mine.

The air grew thick when no one spoke..."well drinks anyone?"

"My bad, let me get those," he says and leaves, moving unbelievably smoothly through the crowd. It's as if the crowd parted just for him.

"He is too hot. Whoo!" Aimee excaims fanning herself.

I laugh at her and walk further into the circle of dancing people, "Where are you going?"

"It's a party. I'm going to dance," I say blatantly.

"How would he find us?"

"Aimee, look at us and look at him. I doubt he's even coming back."

She pouts, looks in the direction in which he went and follows behind me reluctantly.

We reach a comfortable enough spot and start to dance and giggle when men started curling in on us. Aimee opts for conversation, "You guys looked like you knew each other?"

I shrug, "A mere acquaintance. Met him once."

"Do you know how lucky you are? That is Gideon Starkweather. He's CEO of Stark Commerce. The National Security of Miami. His great grandfather owned the business and passed it down straight to his grandson, Gideon's father."

"You seem to know quite a lot about him," I say amused.

A CEO, wow.

"Well dah, only because he's on the cover of every People's Magazine with a story each time."

"So he's powerful huh?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Powerful? He knows everything about where every camera has been placed."

That creeped me out. Suddenly I didn't feel so private with my life anymore although I had no cameras in the apartment.

"Also, it's a bonus because he's rich, young and yummy," she giggles.

"I'm thirsty," I say, desperate for a change of subject, "you want anything to drink?"

"Anything with alcohol," she says as she puts her hands up and does a twirl right into a guy's arms.

I walk through the crowd, not with such grace because I stumble and trip a few times but managed to stay upright.

Finally I get to the kitchen and the  air is thick with the smell of smoke from cigarettes. I grab 2 beers quickly to escape and ended up bumping into a familiar scent with a pair of strong sturdy arms. The air was so cloudy I could barely make out the face.

The arms grip mine steadily and leads me away and into non pollutant, clear breathing air.

"Thank you," I mutter.

"Well you disappear fast."

I snap my head up at the sound of his voice. He's changed out of the fancy suit he was wearing before and is now wearing a plaid button-up shirt rolled up to his elbows, dark jeans and converse. He looks irresistable.

"Gideon..."I start.

"You got your own drink I see," he starts amused as he leans against the wall blocking my exit. It's then when I realize I'm trapped in a corner.

"Well, you never came back and I just-

"You don't expect me to believe you stood there and waited, do you?"

"Well I was hop-

"How's your boyfriend?"

irritated at him for cutting me off, I flush then blush when I hear the question. I haven't thought about Ian since well...since a few hours I guess. I shyly tuck my hair behind my ear and look up at him, "He's not my boyfriend."

Even though I was wearing 4 inch heels, he towers over me and I feel helpless.

He steps a little closer making it harder for me to breathe and causing my pulse to increase rapidly. I could feel the heat radiating off his body and it was almost comforting. I look up at him through my eyelashes like an errant child.

His eyes are dark, even though I know they're hazel, with such intensity that my breath hitches in my throat.

"Good," he whispers then he backs up, takes one of the beers from me and leads the way.

I don't follow immediately. I take a calming breath and take a swig of my beer. I will need this.

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