They're Just Kisses

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TWO BONUS CHAPPIES TODAY :) ~good day, good mood ♥

It was 3 am in the morning and Brianna could not sleep. Her lips still felt warm and her body still tingled all over from where he’d touched her. She sat up hastily in her bed and turned on her bed lamp. She looked over guiltily at Cait. She hadn’t told Cait when she’d reached home. She couldn’t find the words or strength. It was all her fault . She shouldn’t have kissed him but why did some part of her feel like she should’ve. She didn’t regret it, she was sure of it, but she was so wrong. She touched her lips with her fingertips and felt a ghost of a smile spread across her face. She even remembered every single detail.

He had given in the moment their lips re-joined. He’d thrown one arm around her, crushing her into him. She had let out a soft moan. He’d left the other arm to untangle the knots in her hair. “So soft,” he had whispered against her mouth but Bri wasn’t sure whether he meant her lips or hair. Bri felt like she had been waiting for this moment all her life. That getting an education and pleasing her parents didn’t matter anymore. It was just them, alone, lost in their own world.

His lips were soft and his kiss was sweet and gentle, but the feeling of waiting so long, Bri didn’t want gentle. She pressed her small frame, compared to his, more against him and he let out a small groan as he accepted. She had pressed her hands at the back of his neck, crushing him into her more, if were possible. They’re teeth clash slightly as their tongue fought for dominance. She was drowning deep, too deep in the sensation that flowed through her body like an endless waterfall.

He had pushed her backwards until she hit the office wall. His hands travelled to her behind and to the back of her thighs as he hosted her up into his arms, her legs automatically wrapping themselves around him. They were practically on the same level now. He wrapped her hair around his fist and tugged hard, pulling her head backwards as his lips closed on the flesh at the nape of her neck. He had left a mark and Bri had to hide it from Cait with her hair. Just when the office phone went off ringing, the sounds bouncing off the walls in an uneven way. She had jumped down hastily and he discarded his arms reluctantly from around her. Bri pressed her palms against the wall as she tried hard to calm her nerves and even her breathing. His hands had come up at either side of her head on the wall. Their foreheads were touching as the sound of heavy breathing and loud ringing echoed through the room.

“Shit,” He cursed and Bri wasn’t quite sure if he was upset because they had shared an intimate moment or the fact that it had been disturbed

He straightened up and brushed his hair back. He then turned around and walked gracefully over to the ringing phone. He picked it up and had a brief conversation. Something about the papers needing more signing. Bri straightened her top which was up just a fraction and waved an embarrassing goodbye to the still-talking-on-the-phone Ian. He took the phone away from his ear and looked up at her.

“You’re leaving?” He sounded disappointed.

“Yes...I…” Bri began to blush.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He sounded hopeful. His eyes looked pleading like he needed reassurance.

What did he think? That because they had kissed she would’ve decided not to come tomorrow? Maybe she shouldn’t. She caught his gaze again and softened. His eyes were so pleading and she melted.

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