Ian's P.O.V From the Very Beginning

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"He asked you to dinner?" Cait exclaims.

"Yes, Cait."

"Well, did you say yes?" Cait asks.

"Was I supposed to say no?" I ask looking anywhere but at her.

"Well, I thought you and Ian- well I don't know I just thought- " I cut her off.

"Ian's my professor, that's all," I lie. When was I going to stop lying to the people I care about the most?

"That's a lie and we both know it. Brianna what happened? After we came back from Orlando you've been distant and you don't tell me things anymore."

I sigh out loud.

"Cait, I just- I don't know what's going on with me," I try to explain. "I just feel like this is the right thing to do. Focus on my profession and make friends. I only have you and Spencer and that is depressing. And Ian just complicates things more. He is my teacher, I'm not supposed to be having any sort of relationship with him and we all know it will end badly if anyone finds out. It's risky. I just need to get through this semester without complications. I've had enough."

Cait looks baffled. I feel bad letting everything go on her like that.

"Brianna, you're only 18- "

"And I won't be 18 all my life! I'm an adult I'm allowed to make my own choices," I exclaim.

"Of course you are but listen to you!" She shouts, "you have me, you'll always have me. Is that so bad that it depresses you?"

My face falls, "I didn't mean it like that Cait- "

"Let me finish," she starts sharply so that I cringe. "Why all of a sudden do you feel like stopping? You and Ian have been through so much and you said you loved him- "

"Said. I said I loved him, Cait. Now I'm not so sure," I lie. Why am I lying? Why can't I stop? What am I doing?

Just then, a knock sounds at the door and I am grateful for the interruption.

"This is not over," Cait says and she rushes to get the door.

I let out a huge sigh and fall limply on the couch. What am I really doing with my life?

This is what love does to you.

My subconscious is awake. I sigh for the millionth time today and send her back to sleep.

I hear rushed mumbles at the door and my eyebrows automatically knit together in confusion. Who's at the door?

As I'm about to get up to see for myself, two figures come walking in. A frustrated looking Cait and a very angry looking Ian.

"What are you doing here, Ian?" I ask lazily still sitting limply in the couch. I am so out of energy from all the lying and the sight of him weighs down on me like 10,000 bricks.

"We need to talk," he insists.

"I tried to tell him you weren't here," Cait explains shooting him a death glare.

Even though I know she's angry at me she still does what is necessary to protect me and I love her for it.

"Which was utterly pointless," he points out with a smirk. How can he be teasingful at a time like this?

She groans and stomps away in the direction of the bedroom.

"Ian I am not in the mood," I tell him.

"Fine, I'll just stay here until you are. I'm not letting it go this time, Brianna."

I still love the way he says my name that my heart melts. I pat the space beside me and he obeys surprisingly taking a seat.

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