The Heat

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“So you mean to tell, after you went to buy the meat, a dude offered to buy you breakfast. You took it and on your way back you saw Ian. He explained he was on his way over here but he got caught up in traffic. Then his sister called to pick up his niece and you’re just reaching back? Now you guys want to take me out for lunch because you’re both sorry you left me here to starve?” 

“Yes,” Bri said contemplating whether or not she believed the story herself. 

“Okay, let’s go,” Cait said picking up her jacket.

Bri sat stunned.


Bri just shrugged and got up. They took the elevator down. When they were out in the lobby, Cait could see Ian leaning against the hood of his car, his arms folded over his chest.

“Will you just look at him? He’s like a god and he’s all mine,” Cait shrieked quietly so only Bri could hear.

Bri did look at him and sighed inwardly. Yeah, all hers and off-limits. It’s not like he’d want her anyway. The cashier’s face when she saw them flooded her mind. She looked automatically down at herself. Did she really look that awful? At the moment, Bri was all about insecurity.

“Hey,” He said to Cait as she wrapped her arms around him and he pecked her lightly on the lips. 

“Umm…where are we eating?” Bri asked suddenly.

“Umm,” Cait said, “Bri you ate already, why don’t you stay and work on your presentation?”

“What?” Bri couldn’t believe it. Cait was blowing her off when all the time Bri was thinking of her!

Bri looked hopefully at Ian who was only staring.

“Fine,” Bri snapped as her stomach growled. She was so hungry. She spun around with one last hurtful look at Ian and stalked away. He knew she hadn’t eaten anything and he had a lot of explaining to do about that ‘girlfriend’ business. His voice stopped her before she entered the apartment building. 

He walked up to her, gracefulness in his move.

“Did you eat?”

“You should know,” She hissed, “You asked me out to lunch, not her! I was just being a thoughtful friend.” Bri crossed her arms.

“C’mon, don’t pout up on me,” He said, “I’ll bring you back a takeout.”

“Fine,” Bri sighed agreeing instantly.

“Thank you,” He kissed her cheek again. 

Bri’s hand shot upwards to cup her cheek where the skin sizzled and burned. She felt her face getting hot.

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